CLTD | Collected. A returned item. |
DIST | Distributed. An item in use by a student or teacher. |
DSTY | Destroyed. An item is identified as hazardous, flood damaged, or stolen. No payment is expected, and the item is unusable. |
ISBN | International Standard Book Number. This is the 10 or 13-digit number assigned by the publisher of each instructional material. |
LOST | A temporary status, waiting for payment or for the item to be found. |
PAID | Payment has been received for the full amount of an item. |
PRTL | Partial payment. This is a temporary status that should result in full payment. |
SLC | State List Code. Some states assign numbers to groups of instructional materials. For example, Texas uses a four-digit number or multi-list code (MLC) representing the grade level and subject area. |
XFER | Transfer. This is applicable only to teacher distributions and designates an item that was transferred from the respective teacher to another individual. |