Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

District Home Page - Overview

"District Home" provides immediate functionality (after logging in to Instructional Materials Management) through various alerts, clickable links, in-application notifications, and district-wide information.

  1.  Navigation:
  2. Getting Started
  3. District Home Overview


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Main Navigation Bar

The main navigation bar is always present, regardless of your location in the application.

Term Definition
Home home.gif Displays district-provided logo, campus view impersonating switch, clickable alerts, active in-application notifications, district-wide inventory statistics, customer support contact information, and the Instructional Materials Management Support Center
Textbooks books.gif Displays the district’s instructional materials to be viewed and/or managed
Campuses campuses.gif Displays district campuses and their respective information
Inventory Requisition.gif Allows the management of district inventory through Orders, Adjustments, Audits, and Transfers
Automation barcodes.gif Allows the printing of ISBN and accession bar code labels, as well as the management of district PDA units
Reports Report.gif Displays district-wide reports and receipts by category
Other Data OtherData.gif Allows the management of Vendor/Publishers, Courses, and Archives
Tools tools.gif Allows the management of Textbook Tools and Global Tools

Top Navigation Bar

The top navigation bar is always present, regardless of your location in the application.

Term Definition
Help Help_16.gif Displays the online Instructional Materials Management Help System (context-sensitive to the Instructional Materials Management page), which opens in another browser window
Log Out LogOut_16.gif Removes the user from the current Instructional Materials Management session

Home Dashboard

Term Definition
District Logo Displays a district-provided .jpg or .gif image (400 pixels wide by 100 pixels tall) on the Instructional Materials Management user's home screen ("District View" and "Campus View")
District Name Displays the assigned district name, as identified in Instructional Materials Management
Impersonating Switch
A drop-down menu to switch the current screen to the selected campus's view of Instructional Materials Management
Clickable Alerts Provides red alerts regarding inventory statuses/processes requiring your attention (click on any alert to open the respective area of Instructional Materials Management)
Application Notification Displays the currently enabled district-created application notice (notices are displayed on every Instructional Materials Management user's home screen for both "District View" and "Campus View")
Inventory Statistics Displays real-time district-wide inventory counts, values, and transaction history
Customer Support Provides the Instructional Materials Management customer support email link and phone number (Instructional Materials Management users have unlimited technical support with Frontline Education)
Support Center Opens the Frontline Education Learning Center in another browser window, providing access to Instructional Materials Management videos, documents, and enhancement information