Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

How to Search

Many Instructional Materials Management screens contain a search feature that allows the filtering of data and the displaying the search results on the screen.

Search for Data

  1. Select the "Search By" field using the drop-down menu or leave the default "Search By" selection.
  2. Enter the search information in the Search field.
  3. Click search.png Search or press Enter on your keyboard.
  4. To reset the criteria to perform another search, click refresh.png Refresh.

Note: The "Search By" menu options will be different depending on the area of Instructional Materials Management you are located. In many cases, the "Search By" field is defaulted to "All." This allows the search to span all of the respective "Search By" menu options.

Example: You are searching for an ISBN on the "Textbooks" screen and know it is science related. Instead of searching for "science" twice (once by Title and second by Subject Area), leave the default "Search By" menu option to "All" and type in "science." After executing the search, the data grid will display any ISBN for which "science" is in the title or the ISBN has been designated as part of the "science" Subject Area.