Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Edit Textbook

Instructional Materials Management allows you to edit ISBN details.

  1.  Navigation:
  2. District View
  3. Textbooks
  4. Edit Textbook

  1. Click textbooks.png Textbooks, located in the navigation bar.
  2. Search for the desired ISBN.
  3. Click mglass.png Details, located on the ISBN's row. This opens the respective "Textbook Details" page.
  4. Click pencil.png Edit, located in the middle of the screen. This opens the "Textbook Edit" screen.
  5. When all edits have been made, click floppy.png Save.
  6. The message “You have successfully updated the textbook” appears.
  7. Click x.png to return to the ISBN's "Textbook Details" page.
Note: ISBN numbers are the way Instructional Materials Management identifies each title. ISBNs must be unique district wide and cannot be duplicated. Due to this, the "Edit Textbook" screen does not allow the changing of ISBN numbers. Also see "Change an ISBN Number."