Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Inventory Tab

The "Inventory" tab displays the inventory counts for the respective ISBN. These counts are broken down into various sub-counts.

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Inventory Tab

Term Definition
Inventory Displays the total count being tracked district-wide (increase this count via Vendor Orders, decrease this count via Inventory Adjustments)
  • Inventory = Destroyed + Paid + Worn + Issued + In Transit + Storage + Ticketed
Destroyed Displays the total count posted from Destroyed Campus Adjustments (decrease this count via Destroyed Inventory Adjustments)
Paid Displays the total count posted from Paid Campus Adjustments (decrease this count via Paid Inventory Adjustments)
Worn Displays the total count posted from Worn Campus Adjustments (decrease this count via Worn Inventory Adjustments)
Issued Displays the total count distributed to approved campuses (decrease this count via Return Surplus Campus Adjustments)
In Transit Displays the total count on Campus Requisitions in the status of "In Transit," indicating the items are being shipped to the respective campus(es)
Storage Displays the total count expected to be located in a district warehouse/storage location
  • Storage = Inventory - (Destroyed + Paid + Worn + Issued + In Transit)
Ticketed Displays the total count on Campus Requisitions in the status of "Ticketed," indicating the items have been approved to ship to campus(es) but have not left the district warehouse/storage location
Available Displays the total count expected to be at hand within the district warehouse/storage location to distribute to a campus
  • Available = Storage - Ticketed

Textbook Needs Column

The first four fields in this column are dependent on accurate Student Information System imports and established Book/Course Relationships (and the percentages assigned within those relationships).

Note: Tooltips are available on this page to help define each line item. Mouse over the Tooltip to view definitions.
Term Definition
Total Student Enrollment Displays the total count of students who are registered for the course(s) approved to utilize this ISBN
Total Teacher Enrollment Displays the total count of teachers who are registered for the course(s) approved to utilize this ISBN
Eligibility Total Displays the total count of students and/or teachers deemed eligible to utilize this ISBN as per the established Book/Course Relationships
  • Eligibility Total = (District Student% x Total Student Enrollment) + (District Teacher% x Total Teacher Enrollment)
Eligibility Need Displays the total count of eligible items minus the district's inventory count (red text indicates a shortage)
  • Eligibility Need = Total Eligibility - Inventory
Outstanding/Backorders Displays the total number of Approved counts on Campus Requisitions
Outstanding - Approved Counts on Campus Requisitions where the district storage count supports the number approved to be shipped to campuses
Backorders - Approved Counts on Campus Requisitions where the district storage count does not support the number approved to be shipped to campuses
On Vendor Orders Displays the total count currently identified on Instructional Materials Management outstanding Vendor Orders
Fulfillment Need Displays the total count needed to complete all currently Approved counts on Campus Requisitions
  • Available - Outstanding/Backorders - On Vendor Orders = Fulfillment Need