Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Find a Book Overview

Instructional Materials Management allows you to quickly identify items by searching for them using various criteria. This is especially helpful for finding the individual assigned to a missing/lost item.

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When searching by ISBN, Title, or State List Code (SLC), a summary view of district-wide data is provided per selected search results. The “Find A Book grid displays for each ISBN selected the respective inventory information by campus with real-time, status-specific counts (non-reconciled distribution statuses to individuals); reconciled worn counts; and eligibility counts.

“Find A Book” is the only Instructional Materials Management area that allows district-wide searches for accession numbers.

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Search Result Grid

Term Definition
ISBN (International Standard Book Number) Generally, a 10- or 13-digit number assigned by the publisher of the instructional material
Title Displays the assigned name of the instructional material
SLC (State List Code) State-assigned numbers for groups of instructional materials
Price Suggested replacement price for a single copy
Available Copies Number of copies of the respective title in district storage

Summary Grid

Term Description
Campus ID Unique identifier assigned to each campus in Instructional Materials Management
Name Displays the assigned name of the campus
Owned Displays the total inventory quantity issued to the campus, respective to the ISBN
In Use Displays the total quantity of the respective ISBN distributed to individuals, in the status of DIST (distributed), on the campus
Available Displays the total quantity of the respective ISBN available to distribute to individuals on the campus
Eligibility Displays the total number of individuals (Teacher Enrollment and Student Enrollment), multiplied by the district-assigned eligibility percentage, assigned to this ISBN (book-course relationships are required for this to calculate accurately)
Lost Displays the total non-reconciled quantity of the respective ISBN distributed to individuals, in the status of LOST
Paid Displays the total non-reconciled quantity of the respective ISBN distributed to individuals, in the status of PRTL (partial paid) and PAID (fully paid)
Destroyed Displays the total non-reconciled quantity of the respective ISBN distributed to individuals, in the status of DSTY (destroyed)
Worn Displays the reconciled (posted worn campus adjustments) total due to normal wear and tear across the ISBN copies (not due to the abuse of a single item)
Excel Export excel.png Exports the displayed grid data as an XLS file