Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Reports Overview

"Reports" displays by category the reports available for viewing, printing, and/or exporting. This page produces reports and receipts, providing the information needed to track and account for instructional materials, respectively, in PDF and/or CSV file formats.

  1.  Navigation:
  2. District View
  3. Reports
  4. Overview

All reports and receipts provide details on instructional materials tracked by the district, down to the campus level. You can refine reports and receipts by filtering and sorting the data in multiple ways.

There are three main types of reports:

  1. Reports - Display information in sequential order (for example: a "Textbook Basic Report" displays multiple ISBNs per page)
  2. Receipts - Display information separated by campus, ISBN, or process (for example: a "Campus Adjustment Receipt" will display one campus adjustment's details per page or page break, and will not share a page with another campus's adjustment details)
  3. Worksheets – Display information with blanks/places for entry of inventory information for comparison to inventory recorded within the Instructional Materials Management application (for example: "District Warehouse Inventory Worksheet")

All Reports Category

This category lists all reports and receipts from the various sub-categories available to view, print, and/or export.

Exceptions from the "All Reports" category are "My Reports," due to their highly customizable nature. A complete list of "My Reports" can be accessed in the "My Reports" category.

Campus Reports Category

  • Campus Adjustment Receipt - Provides a list of ISBNs and the respective adjustment details by campus and campus adjustment name
  • Campus Needs by Title Report - Provides a list of ISBNs, inventory counts, eligibility counts, and the respective quantity under the "Over" or "Short" columns (this report is dependent on established book/course relationships)
  • Campus Requisition Report - Provides a list of the ISBNs requisitioned from the district by a campus
  • Campus Transaction Report - Provides a list of all transactions (includes campus requisitions and adjustment requests) to and from the district by ISBN
  • Outstanding Campus Requisitions Report - Provides a list of "Approved" ISBNs on campus requisitions that have not been placed "In Transit" by the respective campus and requisition name (includes a filter to only show back-ordered items)
  • Requisition Transaction Detail Report - Provides detailed information regarding each item status change per ISBN within a campus requisition, as well as the Instructional Materials Management user who performed the action (only available for data created after version was installed - April 2011)
  • Campus Closing Process Report - Identifies the "Last Run Date" and the Instructional Materials Management user who completed a specific "Closing" process for each campus

Inventory Reports Category

  • Campus Inventory Worksheet - Provides a worksheet of all ISBNs and the campus's expected inventory counts, with space provided to document a physical audit count and respective notes per campus
  • Digital Material Report - Provides a list of all digital titles included in the Instructional Materials Management inventory
  • District Inventory History Report - Provides a list of ISBNs and their movement in and out of the district warehouse/inventory ("Received," "Issued to Campus," "Returned from Campus," "Paid," "Shrinkage," "Return District Surplus," and "Destroyed")
  • District Warehouse Inventory Worksheet - Provides warehouse personnel with a list of ISBNs in a format conducive to performing warehouse audits
  • Funding by Title - Provides a list of ISBNs, inventory counts, and respective vendor order details, including funding sources by vendor order
  • Funding Summary - Provides a list of existing funding sources, their descriptions, and the total amount of money spent (via vendor order details)
  • Vendor Order Report - Provides a list of orders, by vendor, for additional copies of existing instructional materials

My Reports Category

This category contains any report and/or receipt and its specific filter/sorting settings applied by an Instructional Materials Management user. This feature saves time by remembering the filter/sorting settings for often-used reports and/or receipts.

Other Reports Category

  • Master Courses Listing Report - Provides a list of courses and ISBN(s) assigned for use in the respective course (this report reflects established book/course relationships)
  • Subject Area Listing Report - Provides a list of ISBNs and their assigned subject areas

Textbook Reports Category

  • Components Listing Report - Provides a list of all components assigned to ISBNs
  • Distributions by Titles Report - Provides a list of campuses with inventory counts by the respective ISBNs
  • District Analysis of Need by Current Enrollment - Provides a list of ISBNs and what the need is based on the district's overall eligibility, using the current enrollment count as of that day (this report is dependent on established book/course relationships)
  • District Analysis of Need Max Enrollment - Provides a list of ISBNs and what the need is based on the district's overall eligibility, using the maximum enrollment count since the last time the max enrollment numbers were reset (this report is dependent on established book/course relationships)
  • District Analysis of Need Percentage Forecast - Provides a list of ISBNs and what the need is based on the district's overall eligibility, using the established forecast percentage (this report is dependent on established book/course relationships)
  • Textbook Basic Report - Provides a list of ISBNs, inventory counts (total Inventory quantity and storage quantity), and the unit price
  • Textbook Detail Report - Provides a list of ISBNs, unit price, district inventory counts, expiration year, and inventory breakdowns by posted "Campus Adjustment" types (includes "Paid," "Worn," and "Destroyed")

Reports Grid Page

  • Report Name - Displays the name of the report
  • Filter filter.png - Displays the "Filters" page and allows select information to be displayed on the report (sorting controls are also located on the "Filters" page)
  • Data Export dataexp.png - Launches the CSV “whole” version of the respective report using all available data (excluding nothing) and allows users to edit, sort, filter, and save data as desired using a spreadsheet program's tools (such as MS Excel)
  • Report scroll.png - Launches the PDF “whole” version of the respective report using all available data (excluding nothing)
  • Description For - Displays the "Purpose," "Filters," "Sorts," and "Description" available for each report (click on the Report Name to display the respective information)
  • Grayed-out icons - Display functions not available (selected reports offer the ability to filter, produce a CSV report, and/or a PDF report)
  • Edit pencil.png - Only available within the "My Reports" category grid, allows the updating of existing My Reports' names

Reports Filters Page

  • Set Tabs settab.png - Allow two different filter criteria to be set for each of the four tabs available (this allows up to eight filters to be applied to a report)
  • AND radio.png - Combines separate search criteria by specifying all terms must be present in the record (this narrows a search since the more terms you join with AND, the fewer results will be returned). Example: "Campus Adjustment Receipt" filtered for all "Paid" campus adjustments AND for Dixon Elementary - provides a list of "Paid" campus adjustments for Dixon Elementary
  • OR radio.png - Separates search criteria by specifying either term may appear in the record (this expands the search to include each search criteria) Example: "Campus Adjustment Receipt" filtered for all "Return Surplus" adjustments OR "Worn" adjustments - provides a combined list of campus adjustments in the status of "Return Surplus" or "Worn"
  • Set Box - Located on the right-hand side of the page, links the "Set Tabs" together with its own AND/OR criteria
  • Sorting Tab sorttab.png - Allows respective sort options and the ability to select an ascending (A-Z or 0-9) or descending (Z-A or 9-0) order
  • Summary Tab summarytab.png - Summarizes all of the filters, their criteria, and the sorts applied to the respective report for review
  • Go go.png - Provides a preview of the respective report featuring the applied filters and sorts
  • Save floppy.png - Allows the respective report and the selected filters and/or sorts to be stored in the "My Reports" area (this does not save the specific data returned using the filters and/or sorts; it only saves the report and selected filters/sorts)
  • Export to Excel excel.png - Only available for select reports, launches the XLS version of the respective report (filtered or unfiltered)