Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Tools Overview

The "Tools" menu includes two areas: "Textbook Tools" and "Global Tools."

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  3. Tools
  4. Tools Overview

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Textbook Tools

"Textbook Tools" allows you to make specific customizations for the instructional materials distributed and tracked within your district. Some changes in this area are applied district wide (campuses and the district level will see your changes within Instructional Materials Management).

  • Master Titles - Allows the selection and addition of new instructional materials from lists of approved materials within adoption states (as available) into the district's inventory
  • Material Types - Allows the creation of new material types and changes to the descriptions of existing material types
  • Subject Areas - Allows the creation of new subject areas and changes to existing subject area information
  • Funding Sources - Allows the creation of new funding sources and changes to existing funding source area information
  • Regions - Allows the creation of new areas within which to group campuses, as well as changes to existing regions
  • Bins - Allows the creation of labeled locations within the district warehouse and changes to existing bins
  • Charge Types - Allows the creation of district-wide, approved charge types for minor damage to usable instructional materials, as well as changes to existing charge types

Global Tools

"Global Tools" allows you to make Instructional Materials Management changes for your campus version of the application. The changes you make within this area not only affect the district view but also the campuses’ Instructional Materials Management settings.

  • User Management - Allows the creation and alteration of campus users/administrators to give them access to Instructional Materials Management
  • Instructional Materials Management Settings - Allows the establishment of district-level contact and shipping information
  • District Preferences - Allows district-specific customizations of several functions available in Instructional Materials Management
  • Initialization - Allows the approval and the establishment of a beginning inventory count for an ISBN on a campus (only available for ISBNs not currently approved for the campus)
  • Change ISBN - Allows users to edit an existing title's ISBN to an ISBN not currently in use within Instructional Materials Management
  • Form Letter Editor - Allows the creation and personalization of form letters available to be run on the campus view when communicating with students and/or parents
  • Closing - Allows closing out an academic year's/term's worth of non-essential data by removing and archiving to the Archives
  • Reset Course Enrollments - Allows the district to reset all course enrollments (current and max) district wide 
  • Transfer Book-Course Relationships - Allows the push of district-established book-course relationship percentages down to respective campuses in order to calculate ISBN-specific eligibility counts
  • Change Campus ID - Allows users to edit existing campus IDs to a campus ID currently not in use
    Warning: This can affect the accessibility of the data imported daily from the district's student information system