Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Adjustments Tab

campuses.pngCampuses allows the establishment and management of sites using instructional materials within your district. The Adjustments tab displays all adjustment requests generated for the respective campus, date created, who created them, adjustment type, overall adjustment status, and the ability to view the "Adjustment Details" page.

  1.  Navigation:
  2. District View
  3. Campuses
  4. Campus Details
  5. Adjustments Tab

To view the specific campus's "Adjustment Details" page:

  1. Click on campuses.png Campuses, located in the navigation bar.
  2. Search for the desired campus.
  3. Click on mglass.png Details, located in the campus's row. This opens the respective "Campus Details” page.
  4. Click on the Adjustments tab.
  5. Scroll to locate the desired campus adjustment.
  6. Click on mglass.png Details, located in the same row. This opens the campus "Adjustments Details” page.