Campuses allows the establishment and management of sites using instructional materials within your district. The Eligibility tab displays the ISBNs approved for the respective campus, campus inventory counts, over/short inventory counts, and the established campus book-course relationship details (versus the district book-course relationship). To edit district book-course relationship percentages, review the
Textbooks and Courses articles.
- Navigation:
- District View
- Campuses
- Campus Details
- Eligibility Tab
How to Edit Campus Eligibility Percentages
Only approved ISBNs are displayed in the campus's Eligibility tab.
- Click on
Campuses, located in the navigation bar.
- Search for the desired campus.
- Click on
Details, located in the campus's row. This opens the respective ”Campus Details” page.
- Click on the Eligibility tab.
- Scroll to locate the desired ISBN.
- Click on
Edit, located in the ISBN's row. This opens the campus eligibility percentages.
- Update the desired percentages.
- Click on
Save. The Eligibility grid refreshes and recalculates the "Copies Eligible" and "Over/Short" fields.
Note: Eligibility (a number the district uses to approve additional materials requested from a campus) is calculated using the following equation:
(Campus Student % x Current enrollment number) + (Campus Teacher % x Current Teacher Enrollment Number) = ISBN eligibility
Most districts designate student edition materials for students only. In order to only account for student enrollment eligibility for student edition materials, use zeroes in the "Campus Teacher %" field. In almost all cases, districts designate teacher edition materials for teachers only. In order to only account for teacher enrollment eligibility for teacher edition materials, use zeroes in the "Campus Student %" field.
To designate that every student/teacher enrolled is entitled to a copy of the ISBN (1:1 ratio), enter "100%" into the respective campus percentage field. It is common to have a higher percentage for the district fields. This allows for district growth, special education copies, etc.
- Review an ISBN's district-wide eligibility numbers on the "Textbook Details" inventory tab under the "Textbook Needs" section. Reports have three "District Analysis of Needs" reports (current enrollment, max enrollment, and percentage forecast).
- Review a campus's eligibility for an ISBN in "Find a Book" and/or the "Campus Details" eligibility tab. The "Campus Needs by Title" report is another option for reviewing a campus's eligibility.
- Review current book/course relationships with the "Master Courses Listing" report.
- Review a list of all campuses offering a specific course on the "Courses" page.