"Audits" is the automated process by which a district requests a campus to examine, record, and officially verify within Instructional Materials Management its campus inventory counts for selected district-tracked items.
- Navigation:
- District View
- Inventory
- Audits
- Overview
Within the "Audits" section, there are two areas: "Audit Management" and "Create Audit Adjustments and Finalize."
Audit Management
Within Audit Management, users can:
- Create an audit (delete an audit with the status of "New")
- View the campus’s progress
- Edit campus-submitted counts
- Verify the audit (ending the review/edit process)
- Print an audit report
Create Audit Adjustments and Finalize
Within Create Audit Adjustments and Finalize, users can:
- Create campus adjustments respective to overages and shortages reported on a verified campus audit
- Finalize an audit
Typical Audit Workflow
- The district creates the audit. It identifies campus(es) to complete the audit, desired district tracked material type(s), and other options.
- The campus examines and records the inventory counts. Instructional Materials Management users can view campus progress at any point during this process.
- The campus completes and submits the audit results to the district. Campuses cannot edit the audit after this point.
- The district reviews submitted audits and edits campus counts, if needed. A review would place the audit in the status of "In Review."
- The district verifies the audit. Edits to the submitted audit cannot be made after this point.
- The district creates automatically generated campus adjustments respective to the overages and shortages reported in the audit (optional).
- The district finalizes the audit.