Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Edit a Course

Courses lists all courses and their respective enrollment information, as imported into Instructional Materials Management (on average, every 24 hours) from your district's student information system.

  1.  Navigation:
  2. District Home
  3. Other Data
  4. Courses
  5. Edit Course
Note: Courses imported from your district's student information system are accompanied by student and teacher schedules. Editing a course included in the district's student information system import will not be permanent. The next import (usually every 24 hours) will update the course with the student information system's data regarding the course and overwrite the information you entered.
  1. Click on otherdata.png Other Data, located in the "Navigation Bar.”
  2. Click on courses.png Courses. This opens the "Courses" page.
  3. Search for the desired course.
  4. Click on details.png Details, found in the course's row. This opens the respective "Course Details” page.
  5. Click on pencil.png Edit, located above the blue header bar.
  6. Enter the course information. All fields are needed except the “Notes” field.
  7. Click on save.png Save.
  8. The message "You have successfully updated this course" appears.
  9. Click on back.png Previous Page to return to the "Courses” page.