Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Courses Overview

Courses lists all courses and their respective enrollment information as imported into Instructional Materials Management (on average, every 24 hours) from your district's student information system.

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  2. District View
  3. Other Data
  4. Courses
  5. Overview

Book/course relationships are listed on the Courses tab. Book/course relationships are key to calculating the district's and each campus's eligibility numbers per ISBN, as well as enabling several course-dependent reports (within the District View and the Campus View). Example reports include "District Analysis of Need," "Campus Analysis of Need," "Class Roster Book Check," and "Class Roster with Bar Codes."

Pro Tip: After assigning new and/or editing existing book/course relationships, push the relationships to the respective campuses approved for the ISBN. Review "Transfer Book-Course Relationships."

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Courses Page

Item Description
Add add.png Creates a new course for the district
Course ID Displays the unique course identification number assigned to the respective course (alpha and/or numeric)
Course Name Displays the assigned course name
Students Displays the current district-wide student enrollment number (as of the last time Instructional Materials Management was updated)
Teachers Displays the current district-wide teacher enrollment number (as of the last time Instructional Materials Management was updated)
Details details.png Opens the course's "Details" page
Assigned to Course

Displays a list of campus-specific individuals enrolled in the selected course (students and teachers)

  • Campus Name - Name the site/location goes by
  • Students - Displays the current student enrollment number respective to the campus (as of the last time Instructional Materials Management was updated)
  • Teachers - Displays the current teacher enrollment number respective to the campus (as of the last time Instructional Materials Management was updated)
  • Max Students - Displays the highest student enrollment number this course has achieved respective to the campus (since the last time the max enrollment numbers were reset)
  • Max Teachers - Displays the highest teacher enrollment number this course has achieved respective to the campus (since the last time the max enrollment numbers were reset)

Courses Details Page

Item Description
Course ID Displays the unique course identification number assigned to the respective course (alpha and/or numeric)
Course Name Displays the assigned course name
Current Student Enrollment Displays the current district-wide student enrollment number (as of the last time Instructional Materials Management was updated)
Current Teacher Enrollment Displays the current district-wide teacher enrollment number (as of the last time Instructional Materials Management was updated)
Max Student Enrollment Displays the highest student enrollment number this course has achieved within the district (since the last time the max enrollment numbers were reset)
Max Teacher Enrollment Displays the highest teacher enrollment number this course has achieved within the district (since the last time the max enrollment numbers were reset)
Edit edit.png Allows certain course details to be updated
Textbooks Tab texttab.png Lists each ISBN assigned to the respective course (including the district eligibility percentages)
Campus Tab campustab.png Lists each campus with respective enrollment counts (including current and max enrollment) for the respective course selected