The "Transfer Book-Course Relationships" feature allows the district to transfer established book-course relationships for district-tracked materials to all campuses. This ensures campus eligibility settings are established. The district percentages displayed represent the percentages currently established by the district. Review current book/course relationships with the "Master Courses Listing" report.
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From Global Tools, select Transfer Book-Course Relationships > Transfer Book-Course Relationship to Campuses.
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Teacher Percentages
In almost all cases, districts designate teacher edition materials for teachers only. To only account for teacher enrollment eligibility, enter a zero in the "Campus Teacher Percentage" field if the district percentage is listed at zero. If the campuses are allowed a 1:1 ratio for teachers and teacher materials, enter 100 in the "Campus Teacher Percentage" fields for all other district percentages (commonly higher than 100% to account for district growth or turnover).
Districts assign respective percentages to campuses based on district policies. The most common settings are 0% and 100%.
Student Percentages
To designate every student enrolled is entitled to a copy of an ISBN (1:1 ratio), enter "100" into the respective campus percentage fields next to the listed district percentages greater than zero (commonly higher than 100% to account for district growth or turn over). If a zero is listed under the "District Student Percentage" column (usually indicating teacher editions and other editions students do not qualify for), also enter a zero in the "Campus Student Percentage" field.
Districts assign respective percentages to campuses based on district policies. The most common settings are 0% and 100%.
Transfer Book-Course Relationships to All Campuses
- Click on Tools, located in the Navigation Bar.
- Click on Transfer Book-Course Relationships, located under ”Global Tools” subcategory. This opens the "Transfer Book-Course Relationships - Edit Percentages” page.
- Enter the desired percentages to transfer to all campuses in the campus percentage columns (all fields are required and only allow numerals).
- Click on Go.
- The following message appears: "This action will set all current Book-Course percentages to the newly selected values. Do you wish to proceed?"
- Click OK. A success statement appears.
- Click OK. This returns you to the Tools page.