Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Initialize Campus with New ISBN

Initialization allows the district to simultaneously approve a new ISBN for a campus and distribute the ISBN to that same campus with a starting quantity. The displayed titles in the "District Inventory" grid (top grid) only contain titles that have not been previously distributed to the respective campus.

  1.  Navigation:
  2. District View
  3. Tools
  4. Global Tools
  5. Initialization
  6. Initialize Campus with New ISBN

  1. Click on tools.png Tools, found in the Navigation Bar.
  2. Click on inventory2.png Initialization, found under "Global Tools” subcategory. This opens the "Initialization - Select Campus” page.
  3. Search for the desired campus.
  4. Click on inventory2.png Initialize Campus, located in the same row.
  5. Search for the desired ISBN (new to this campus).
  6. Review the current ISBN's district storage count, found under the “Storage” column.
  7. Enter the starting quantity for the respective ISBN in the "Quantity" field. Quantity cannot exceed district storage count.
  8. Click on addselect.png Add All.
  9. Click on save.png Save. This approves all of the ISBNs listed in the lower grid for the campus, adds the ISBNs and their quantities to the campus's inventory, and removes the same ISBNs' quantities from the district storage count.edit.png
Note: If a data entry mistake happens and is caught prior to clicking save.png Save, edit the title within the "Confirmation" grid (lower grid). Do this by clicking on edit.png Edit or clicking on delete.png Delete in the respective ISBN's row.