Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Create a User

User Management allows the district to add, edit, and/or delete Instructional Materials Management users accounts. District-level and campus-level users can be created. District users have view-switching privileges for all campuses. Campus users can be assigned to multiple campuses and are only allowed respective view-switching privileges.

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  5. User Management
  6. Create User

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Create a District-Level User

  1. Click on tools.png Tools, located in the Navigation Bar.
  2. Click on user.png User Management, located under the "Global Tools” subcategory. This opens the "User Management” page.
  3. Under the "District Users" blue header bar, click on add.png Add. This opens the "Add District User” window.
  4. Enter the desired user information. Required fields are red.
  5. Click on save.png Save.
  6. The "Add District User" window closes and the “District Users” grid is updated with the new user's account.
  7. Click on back.png Previous Page to return to the Tools page.

Create a Campus-Level User

  1. Click on tools.png Tools, located in the Navigation Bar.
  2. Click on user.png User Management, located under the "Global Tools” subcategory. This opens the "User Management” page.
  3. Under the "Campus Users" blue header bar, click on add.png Add. This opens the "Add Campus User” window.
  4. Enter the desired user information. Required fields are red.
  5. Locate the campus to assign the user to in the “Unassigned Campuses” box.
  6. Click on the Campus Name. The row highlights gray.
  7. Click on arrowright.png To Right. This moves the selected campus to the "Assigned Campuses” box.
  8. Click on save.png Save.
  9. The "Add Campus User" window closes and the "User Management” grid is updated with the new user's account.
  10. Click on back.png Previous Page to return to the Tools page.
Note: Campus users can be assigned to multiple campuses. The first campus listed in the
Assigned Campuses" box is the default campus they log into. All other assigned campuses will require the user to view-switch using the Impersonating drop down on the Home page.