District Preferences allows the customization of Instructional Materials Management to district-specific preferred procedures and policies.
- Navigation:
- District View
- Tools
- Global Tools
- District Preferences
- "Interface Options" Tab
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Update Grid Options
Grid Rows Displayed (default setting: 100) - Select between 100 to 500 records to be shown in Instructional Materials Management grids. The lower the number, the faster the screens will load.
- Click on Tools, located in the Navigation Bar.
- Click on District Preferences, found under "Global Tools” subcategory. This opens the "Preferences” page.
- Verify the Interface Options tab is selected.
- Select the desired number of rows using the Grid Rows Displayed drop-down menu.
- Click on Save.
Update Data Validations
Allow Alpha Numeric Accession Numbers (default setting: unchecked) - Some districts/campuses may have instructional materials with bar code labels from outside sources containing alpha characters.
If checked, Instructional Materials Management allows alpha characters to be scanned.
- Click on Tools, located in the Navigation Bar.
- Click on District Preferences, found under "Global Tools” subcategory. This opens the "Preferences” page.
- Verify the Interface Options tab is selected.
- Select Allow Alpha Numeric Accession Numbers.
- Click on Save.