Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Interface Options Tab

District Preferences allows the customization of Instructional Materials Management to district-specific preferred procedures and policies.

  1.  Navigation:
  2. District View
  3. Tools
  4. Global Tools
  5. District Preferences
  6. "Interface Options" Tab

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Update Grid Options

Grid Rows Displayed (default setting: 100) - Select between 100 to 500 records to be shown in Instructional Materials Management grids. The lower the number, the faster the screens will load.

  1. Click on tools.png Tools, located in the Navigation Bar.
  2. Click on global.png District Preferences, found under "Global Tools” subcategory. This opens the "Preferences” page.
  3. Verify the Interface Options tab is selected.
  4. Select the desired number of rows using the Grid Rows Displayed drop-down menu.
  5. Click on save.png Save.

Update Data Validations

Allow Alpha Numeric Accession Numbers (default setting: unchecked) - Some districts/campuses may have instructional materials with bar code labels from outside sources containing alpha characters.

If checked, Instructional Materials Management allows alpha characters to be scanned.

Warning: Accession numbers created in Instructional Materials Management will not contain alpha characters even if this preference is selected.
  1. Click on tools.png Tools, located in the Navigation Bar.
  2. Click on global.png District Preferences, found under "Global Tools” subcategory. This opens the "Preferences” page.
  3. Verify the Interface Options tab is selected.
  4. Select Allow Alpha Numeric Accession Numbers.
  5. Click on save.png Save.