Audits are the automated process by which a district requests a campus to examine, record, and officially verify their campus’ inventory counts for selected district tracked items within Instructional Materials Management.
Within the Audits section, there are two areas: Audit Management and Create Audit Adjustments and Finalize.
There are six audit statuses:
- New: The district has created the audit and the respective campus has not yet started editing it.
- In Progress: The respective campus has opened the audit in the edit screen.
- Submitted: The respective campus has entered counts for all items within the audit and has submitted it to the district.
- In Review: The district has opened the submitted audit and started the review process.
- Verified: The district has completed the review/edit process and marked the audit as verified.
- Finalized: The district has determined the audit has been concluded and all desired audit tasks are complete.
Audit Management
Audit Management is the primary screen used to manage created audits in Instructional Materials Management. A district user can create an audit, view its progress, review the submitted data, edit the submitted counts, verify the audit, print an audit report, and/or delete an audit in the status of new.
The following tasks are available in Audit Management:
- Create an audit (delete an audit in the status of new)
- View the campus’ progress
- Edit campus submitted counts verify the audit (ending the review/edit process)
- Print an audit report
Create Audit Adjustments and Finalize
The following tasks are available in Create Audit Adjustments and Finalize:
- Create campus adjustments respective to overages and shortages reported on a verified
- Campus audit
- Finalize an audit