Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Archiving Products via the Archive Tool

The Archive Catalog feature allows products with an inventory count of zero that are not on a purchase order to be set to "inactive" status, thus removing them from active reporting and searching. 

This feature is accessible in the Administrative View and requires Administrator credentials.

After products have been archived, they can be seen and/or reactivated by selecting the checkbox to Show Inactive in the Catalog grid.

Steps to Archive Products


  1. Click on Archive, located under "Quick Links" in the "Admin Tools" menu, then select Catalog from the Archive.
  2. In the "Inactivate" field, select All to inactivate all products with an inventory count of zero that are not on a purchase order.
Select Single Product to inactivate one Product Number, then search for and select the desired product to archive.
  1. Click Go.gif to begin the archiving process.
  2. The Confirm Archive window opens with the number of products to be archived

  1. Click on Picture1.png Catalog(s) Selected for Archive to open a .CSV report and review the products that will be archived.
  2. Confirm the number of products to archive by typing the product count into the “Confirm the count by typing it here” field.
  3. Click Confirm.
  4. Wait until you see the message indicating the archive is successful, then click OK to close the "Archive Inventory" window.
