The Asset Management
Home page provides a customizable dashboard for each user based on their permissions. The dashboard is customized through various alerts, clickable links, application notifications, and district-wide information.
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General Dashboard Elements
Note: Dashboard preferences may be different at the administrative and site level.
Element |
Description |
District Logo |
Displays a district-provided .jpg or .gif image (400 pixels wide by 100 pixels tall) on all Asset Management dashboard views (admin and site) |
District Name |
Displays the assigned district name identified in Asset Management Settings |
View Switch

Allows a user to switch the current screen to the selected site view dashboard of Asset Management by entering the name of the site or selecting it from the drop-down menu |
Quick Links
Description |
Archive |
Allows inventory to be removed from active inventory quantities, or sets large groups of staff or students to inactive |
Data Import |
Allows districts with a significant amount of data stored in another location to import their data into the Asset Management application. The Data Import Tool may not be available for all districts. |
Initiate Site Audit |
Allows an administrator to create site audits and identify the site(s), room type(s), product type(s), staff types(s), and grade(s) included on a site-level audit |
Issue to Staff |
Allows an administrator to issue an item to a staff member at any site |
Issue to Students |
Allows an administrator to issue an item to a student at any site |
Print Tags |
Allows an administrator to print new asset tag labels (with new tag numbers) by defining a tag header, setting margins, and selecting print quantity. Tags are affixed to each tracked item. |
Quick Collect |
Allows an administrator to collect items that were issued to staff or students by assigning a room or transfer at any site |
Status Import |
Allows an administrator to change the status of a group of tags listed on a spreadsheet. Supported status changes include “Auctioned,” “Disposed,” “In Repair,” “In Use,” “Recycled,” “Returned to Vendor,” “Sold,” “Surplus,” and “Used for Parts.” |
Transfer History |
Allows an administrator to search for, view, and/or print Transfer Tickets for all site-to-site transfers (in any status) throughout the district |
Description |
Asset Conditions |
Condition categories sites utilize when indicating how much damage an asset has taken in its lifecycle |
Charge Types |
Charge categories sites utilize when assessing a charge to an item for damages or as a prerequisite before an item is issued |
District Settings |
Allows the customizations of Asset Management to district-specific procedures and policies |
Email Notifications |
Allows an administrator to specify which email notifications will be sent to users |
Funding Sources |
Funding categories used to associate each asset with the funding source utilized for purchase |
Integration Settings |
Follows an administrator to integrate with the Asset Management system data from G Suite for Education and JAMF MDM systems |
Model End of Life |
Allows an administrator to manage end-of-life information for items in the catalog |
Report Settings |
Allows an administrator to customize verbiage for distribution and collection receipts, as well as audit compliance reports |
Room Types |
General categories used to label different kinds of rooms within a site |
Users |
Allows an administrator to manage individuals who are granted access to Asset Management |
Vendors |
Anyone and/or any company that provides goods or services to your district; similar to a supplier |
Navigation Bar
Note: View of many dashboard elements is dependent on access given to the logged-in user.
Description |
Home |
Displays district-provided logo, switch-to-site drop-down menu, tag-related detailed graphs, district-wide inventory statistics, and Mobile-IT Setup |
Catalog |
Displays product details within the district and respective location information, and provides access to preconfigured product reports |
Purchasing |
Allows an administrator to record essential purchasing data, assign tag numbers, and receive items to sites and rooms |
Sites |
Displays the physical locations defined by the district and provides access to preconfigured site inventory reports |
Tags |
Allows an administrator to use “Basic” and “Advanced” filters to search for tags and save, share, view, and print reports based on respective filters |
Audits |
Allows an administrator to initiate, view the progress of, and reconcile inventory audits |
Quick Search

Allows a user to quickly search for a specific tag, serial number, student, or staff member |
Help |
Takes user to the Frontline Learning Center to access articles and videos for various learning and troubleshooting tasks |
Log Out |
Removes the user from the current session |
Panel Display Reports
Note: Items in panel charts are interactive and can be toggled on and off. Click any active item in the key to turn it off. Click any inactive item in the key to turn it on.
Description |
Quadrant |
There are four (4) quadrants allowing the user to customize the dashboard with preconfigured reports. The user can determine the order of panel quadrants in the dashboard. The user’s customized preferences are applied to any site they have permissions. |
Panel Settings |
Allows users to customize dashboard panel view to display one of many preconfigured reports, including statistics, notifications, and login information |
None |
Quadrant is left blank |
Notifications |
Shows audits, tags, transfers, and tickets created, and provides links to actionable items |
Purchasing: Outstanding Tags to Receive |
Shows quantity of tags waiting to be received on a purchase order. Filters include “Tagging Overdue By” and “Purchase Date Range.” |
Inventory Statistics |
Shows quantity and monetary value of all or select inventory ("Total," "Available," and "In Use"). Filters include Regions (if enabled), Sites, and Product Types. Downloadable .csv file available. |
New Tags Received |
Displays new tags received. Filters include Product Types, Funding Sources, and Date Range. Downloadable .csv file available. |
Site Transfer |
Displays transfers, as selected by user. Filters include Transfer Type, Origin Site, Destination Site, Funding Source, Product Type, and Date Range. Downloadable .csv file available. |
Tag Distributions |
Shows the breakdown of tag locations by percentage/quantity |
Tag Status Change Over Time |
Shows the trend of tags, according to selected status, over a period of time. Filters include Status and Date Range. |
Tag Status Breakdown (Rooms) |
Shows status of tags allotted to rooms across the district |
User Login |
Displays user login statistics. Filters include Region (if enabled), Site, User Role, User Type, and Date Range. Downloadable .csv file available. |