Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Site View Dashboard

The Asset Management home.png Home page is a customizable dashboard for each user based on their permissions. The dashboard is customized through various alerts, clickable links, application notifications, and site-wide information.

Note: Dashboard preferences may be different at the administrative and site level.


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General Dashboard Elements

Home Dashboard

Function Description
District Logo Displays a district-provided .jpg or .gif image (400 pixels wide by 100 pixels tall) on all Asset Management home screens (admin view and site view) 
Site Name Displays the assigned Site Name identified in Asset Management "Sites" grid

View Switch

Allows a user assigned to multiple sites to switch the current screen to another assigned site by entering the name of the site or selecting it from the drop-down menu

Site Tools Quick Links

Function Description
Issue to Staff Allows a site to issue an item in the status of "In Use" to a staff member
Issue to Students Allows a site to issue an item in the status of "In Use" to a student
Print Tags Allows a site to print new tag labels and affix them to each tracked item
Quick Collect Allows a site to collect "In Use" items to a room or transfer them
Room to Room Allows items to be moved from one room to another within a site through a process called "Room-to-Room Transfers"
Tag Export Allows a site to compile a report showing all tags within Asset Management respective to the site

Transfer Tools Quick Links

Function Description
Initiate Transfer Allows items to be moved from one site to another through a process called "Site-to-Site Transfers"
Receive Transfer Allows items to be moved from one site to another through a process called "Site-to-Site Transfers"
Request Transfer Allows items to be requested from a Warehouse through a process called "Warehouse-to-Site Transfers"
Transfer History Allows an administrator to search for, view, and/or print Transfer Tickets for all site-to-site transfers (in any status) throughout the district

Management Quick Links

Function Description
Vendor Individuals and/or companies who provide goods or services to your district (similar to a supplier)

Top Navigation Bar

View is dependent on access given by the Administrative Administrator.

Function Description
home.png Home Displays district-provided logo, switch to site drop-down menu, clickable alerts, tag-related detailed graphs, site-wide inventory statistics, and Mobile-IT Setup
catalog.png Catalog Displays product details within the site and respective location information
receive.png Purchasing Allows a site-level administrator to view district-created purchase orders, create site-level purchase orders, and receive and assign items to rooms while simultaneously recording essential purchasing data
rooms.png Rooms Displays the locations you will see and account for items within your district
staff.png Staff Allows a site-level administrator to add or edit a staff member’s details and track inventory assigned to them
student.png Students Allows a site-level administrator to add or edit a student’s details and track inventory assigned to them
barcodes.gif Tags Allows a site-level administrator to use "Basic" and "Advanced" filters to search, view, and/or print asset details respective to this site. This is an on-screen way to access the data also located in the "Tag Export."
audits.png Audits Provides the ability to initiate, view progress, and reconcile tag audit states
Quick Search Allows a user to search quickly for a specific tag, serial number, student, or staff member
help.png Help Takes user to the Learning Center, where you will need to search for the issue using keywords
user.png User Identifies the user currently logged in to the Asset Management application and allows the user to log off from the application

Panel Display Reports

Displays options for users to customize the dashboard panel view including statistics, notifications, and/or alerts.

Function Description
None Quadrant is left blank
Notifications Shows audits, tags, and transfers at this site requiring action by a user
Outbound Transfers Pending Approval Shows transfer #, created date, destination site, and progress for transfers initiated or received at this site.
Staff Status Shows a list of staff, including Staff ID, Staff Name, Status and Inventory Count for this site. Filters include Staff Status, Staff Inventory and Staff Location Site.
Purchasing: Outstanding Tags to Receive Shows quantity of tags to be received on a purchase order (at this site). Filters include Tagging Overdue By and Purchase Date Range.
Inventory Statistics Shows quantity and monetary value of inventory at this site (total, available, and in use). Filters include Product Type.
Tag Distributions Shows the breakdown of assigned tags by percentage/quantity for this site.
Tag Status Change Over Time Shows the trend of tags, according to selected status, over a period of time for this site. Filters include Status and Date Range.
Tag Status Change Over Time Shows status of tags allotted to a room at this site.
User Login Shows which users have logged in to Asset Management at this site during an allotted period of time. Filters include User Roles, User Types and Date Range.