Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Approving Transfers

This article discusses transfer approval.

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When approval restrictions are set for transfers, a notification appears under "Transfer Notifications" in the "Notifications" panel on the Home page dashboard.


Transfers that show "Pending Approval" status need approval prior to shipping to destination site.

"Transfer Notes" communicating specific details about a transfer can be added when initiating a transfer. They can be edited in various stages of the transfer: while the transfer is in the status of "New," "Pending Approval," or "Submitted" (for Site-to-Site Transfers or Site-to-Warehouse Transfers), and while the transfer is in the status of "New," "Pending Approval," "Submitted," "Delayed," or "Scheduled" (for Warehouse-to-Site Transfers). "Transfer Notes" will display username of the note creator and the time and date created. Only the note creator can edit or delete a note they have posted.

Approve Transfer – Status Pending Approval

  1. Click the Transfers Pending Approval link on the "Notifications" panel. The "Transfers Pending Approval" window opens.
  2. Click on editcontainer.png View Transfer under the "Actions" column for the "Pending Approval" line item. The "Receive Transfer" window opens.
  3. The user may approve or deny the transfer.
    • To approve:
      1. Click approve.png Approve Transfer. The "Transfer Approved" window opens.
      2. Click OK.
    • To deny:
      1. Click deny2.png Deny Transfer. The "Deny Transfer" window opens.
      2. Fill in the "Name" and "Title," if prompted.
      3. Click on go.png Go.
  4. Click on x.png Close to close the "Receive Transfer" window.

Approve Transfer – Status "In Transit"

When approval restrictions are set for transfers, a notification appears under "Transfer Notifications" in the "Notifications" panel on the Home page dashboard.

Transfers that show "In Transit" status need approval prior to being received at destination site.

  1. Click the Transfers Pending Approval link on the "Notifications" panel. The "Transfers Pending Approval" window opens.
  2. Click on editcontainer.png View Transfer under the "Actions" column for the "In Transfer" line item. The "Receive Transfer" window opens.
  3. Click approve.png Approve Transfer. The screen refreshes.
    • If receiving a tagged item, proceed to Step 4.
    • If approving an untagged item, click approve.png Approve Transfer. The screen refreshes and the box under the "Complete" column is now checked. No further action is needed to receive these items.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Under the Received Tagged Inventory drop-down menu, select Room, Status, and Tag.
  6. To keep the tag status the same as when it originated, select Use Previous Tag Status.
  7. Click on save.png Save. The screen refreshes and the status now shows "Complete."
  8. Click on x.png Close to close the "Receive Transfer" window. The screen refreshes and the "Notifications" panel updates.

Approve Transfer – Denied Transfer

When approval restrictions are set for transfers, a notification appears under "Transfer Notifications" in the "Notifications" panel on the Home page dashboard.

Transfers that show "Denied" have been declined at the destination site and need to be deleted or revised and resubmitted.

  1. Click the Transfers Denied link on the "Notifications" panel. The "Transfers Denied" window opens.
  2. Click on editcontainer.png View Transfer under the "Actions" column for the denied transfer. The "Receive Transfer" window opens.
  3. Perform one of the following actions:
    • To delete a single item, click on delete.png Delete for that item.
    • To delete an entire transfer, click on delete.png Delete in the upper-right "Actions" area.
    • To add or remove needed items, click on approve.png Submit Transfer in the upper-right "Actions" area.
  4. Click on x.png Close to close the "Receive Transfer" window. The screen refreshes and the "Notifications" panel updates.

Approve Transfer – E-Mail Notification

The administrator can select a setting that automatically generates an e-mail notification that is sent when a transfer needs approval by the recipient. The recipient can then click a link in the e-mail that goes directly to the approval screen. Once there, the recipient can approve or deny the transfer.

The administrator can also select a setting that prompts the application to automatically send an e-mail notification when a transfer needs approval by the recipient. The recipient can click a link in the e-mail that goes directly to the approval screen. This allows the recipient to approve or deny the transfer without logging into Asset Management.

  1. In the "Transfer Pending Approval" e-mail, locate the sentence reading, “To approve or deny this transfer, click here.”
  2. Click the click here link. The "Transfer Approval" tab opens.
  3. Click on approve.png Approve Transfer to approve the transfer. The "Approve Transfer" window opens.
  4. When prompted, enter your Name and Title in the appropriate fields.
  5. Click on go.png GO.