Asset Management allows items to be moved from a warehouse to a site through a process called "Request Transfer." If a district allows, the site initiates the transfer by requesting one or more products from the warehouse. The warehouse then approves or denies the request.
- Navigation:
- Site View
- Transfer Tools
Create a Warehouse-to-Site Transfer Request
- Click on Request Transfer under the "Transfer Tools Quick Links" menu. The "Request Transfer" window opens.
- Select a warehouse from the Warehouse drop-down menu.
- Click on Create New Request next to the "Warehouse" field. The screen refreshes to allow you to request inventory.
- In the "Requested Inventory" section, click on Search next to the "Product Number" field to open the product search grid.
- Click on Select in the respective product’s row to select the product. The screen refreshes and populates the product information.
- Enter the number to transfer into the Quantity field.
- Click on Add Requested Inventory.
The user can edit the requested inventory count by clicking Edit next to the product’s row. The "Edit Request Count" window opens. The user enters the new total and clicks Save.
- Click Submit Request, located in the "Actions" section. This puts the request in the status of "Request Submitted."
Once the request is submitted, the warehouse must approve the request. Once a request is approved, the inventory is scheduled for transfer.
- If the request is part of a Transfer Agreement, the "Warehouse Transfer Request Agreement" window opens.
- Select I accept the Request Agreement.
- Click Continue. The "Transfer Requests" window opens.
- Click on Close to close the "Transfer Requests" window.
If a transfer request is denied, the site user can modify the request from the "Request Transfer" window using the Modify Request to Resubmit action. When this action is selected, the request status changes to "New Request" and the user can modify the request before resubmitting.
The user can also delete a denied request by selecting the Delete Request action from the "Request Transfer" window.
Active transfer requests can be accessed from the dashboard "Notifications" panel under the "Warehouse Notifications" section.
A warehouse can upload a "Transfer Agreement" outlining the responsibilities of the requesting site regarding the requested product. The site administrator can view and electronically sign the agreement.
Transfers may be created in error, such as when an incorrect destination is selected. When these transfers are created but have no tagged/untagged assets or notes added, they can be deleted using the Delete Transfer prompt. If you recognize your error before adding any tagged/untagged assets or notes, click on Close. The "Are You Sure?" popup message displays. Click on Delete to delete the transfer and close the "Initiate Transfer" window, or click on OK to save transfer in "Pending" status.