"Users" are the individuals who are granted access to Asset Management. An administrator can add additional admin-level and site-level users. A site administrator can add additional site-level users. The username field is limited to 50 characters, including alphanumeric and the following symbols:
- Navigation:
- Admin View
- Users
Click a hyperlink below to jump to that topic:
Add a User
- Click on Users under "Management Quick Links."
- To edit a user, choose a user to edit by clicking
Edit to the left of the user record.
- To add a user, click on
Add Record. The "Add User" window opens. Red fields are required.
- Enter a Name for the user. The name is displayed in the upper right corner when a user is logged in.
- Enter a Username for the user. The username is used to login to Asset Management.
- Choose a View for the user respective to their position.
- Choose a User Role respective to their position.
- Fill in the optional fields User Type, Phone, E-Mail, and Driver as desired.
- Select desired sites for this user in the “Unassigned Sites” column and click the arrow to move them to the “Assigned Sites" column.
- Enter a password for this user in the Password and Confirm Password fields.
- Click on
Edit a User
Once a user account has been created, the permissions for that account can be modified. To modify permissions for one user:
- Click on Users under "Management Quick Links."
- Click
Modify User Permissions in the left column of the user you wish to modify. The “Modify Permissions” window opens.
- Remove the checkmarks as needed for this user.
- Click
Understanding Default User Views and Roles
Each user in Asset Management is assigned a "View" and a "Role." The "View" indicates which records a user will be able to see while logged in. The "Role" indicates what a user will be able to do with the records they can see.
- The "Administrative View" and "Administrator Role" are designated to oversee all decisions concerning a district’s asset management. This role has full access and power to set permissions for all other users at both the district and site levels.
- The "Administrative View" and "User Role" may support the "Administrator" at the district level. This role has been given many of the same permissions to assist in the management of a district’s assets.
- The "Site View" and "Administrator Role" are responsible for the inventory of a specific site, such as a librarian, principal, or warehouse manager. It is important to note that even an administrator permission level will only have access to their assigned site.
- The "Site View" and "User Role" may support the "Site Administrator" in the management of inventory, such as assistant library staff or site volunteers. As with the "Site Administrator," all permissions are limited to a user’s assigned site.
Restricting the Site-Level Admin and User Role
There are district-wide settings that will restrict the ability of "Site-Level" admin and user roles on a permanent or temporary basis. A district-level administrator may change these settings as needed and any changes will immediately be applied to the site-level users.
To restrict the default setting for "Site-Level" admin and user roles:
- Click on District Settings under "Management Quick Links."
- Click User Role Settings to expand the section.
- Under "Site Admin," select the box(es) corresponding to the action you desire to restrict for all "Site-Level" administrator role users.
- Under "Site User," select the box(es) corresponding to the action you desire to restrict for all "Site-Level" user role users.
- Click
Save to activate your selections. The selected permissions are immediately applied to all "Site View" administrative and user role users.
Defining a Permission Template
"Permission templates" are used to apply the same permissions to multiple user accounts to ensure uniformity of permissions across users who should have the same role in the district. Templates are directly associated with specific combinations of "Views" and "Roles" – then applied to users after the user account has been created.
For example: As the district-level administrator of Asset Management, I wish to create a permissions template that can be applied to any media specialist throughout the district who will be issuing and collecting student devices. I would first setup the permission template, then apply it to each media specialist individually as follows:
- Click on Users under "Management Quick Links."
- Click Permission Templates to open the “Manage Permission Templates” window.
- Click
Add Record to open the new template form.
- Enter a Template Name. The name must be unique.
- Select the View for the template from the dropdown.
- Select the User Role for the template from the dropdown.
- Begin deselecting the boxes to remove access to unwanted areas or actions, as shown in the screenshot above.
- Click
Save to save your template.
- To apply your template to a user, click Modify User Permissions in the left column of the user to whom you wish to apply the template.
- In the Permission Template dropdown, select the correct template to apply to this user. Only those templates that are set for the selected user’s view and role will be available in the dropdown.
- Click
Save to update the user permissions.