"Sites" is the Asset Management area where administrators can add locations (sites). The reports include all sites in the district by default. To return a subset of data, users must apply a filter to the records in the grid prior to running the report.
- Navigation:
- Admin View
- Sites
Click a hyperlink below to jump to that topic:
Distribution Status Report
This report, in PDF format, provides administrative users status inventory counts for respective tag statuses issued at the filtered sites, as long as the quantity for the respective status is above 0.
- Click on
Sites, located in the top navigation bar.
- Click the Please Select Site Report drop-down menu, located above the blue grid header.
- Select Distribution Status Report under the "--- PDF ---" menu subcategory. The "Filter Report" window opens.
- Select all sites or specific sites by checking appropriates box(es) from the Site(s) drop-down menu.
- (Optional) Check the Include District Summary checkbox.
- Click on
GO. The Distribution Status Report opens in the "View Report" window.
- Click on
Close to close the "View Report" window.
- Click on
Close to close the "Filter Report" window.
Distribution Inventory Report
This report, in PDF format, provides administrative users a detailed tag list filtered by site(s) and status(es). This report does not included tags that are archived.
- Click on
Sites, located in the top navigation bar.
- Click the Please Select Site Report drop-down menu, located above the blue grid header.
- Select Distribution Inventory Report under the "--- PDF ---" menu subcategory. The "Filter Report" window opens.
- Select all sites or specific sites by checking appropriates box(es) from the Site(s) drop-down menu.
- Select tag status from the Status drop-down menu.
- Click on
GO. The "Distribution Inventory Report" opens in the "View Report" window.
- Click on
Close to close the "View Report" window.
- Click on
Close to close the "Filter Report" window.
Fixed Assets Report
This report, in PDF format, provides administrative users a detailed purchase order(s) fixed asset list respective to filtered site(s). This report only lists tags from purchase orders and not room initialization or archived tags.
- Click on
Sites, located in the top navigation bar.
- Click the Please Select Site Report drop-down menu, located above the blue grid header.
- Select Fixed Assets Report under the "--- PDF ---" menu subcategory. The "Filter Report" window opens.
- Select all sites or specific sites by checking appropriates box(es) from the Site(s) drop-down menu.
- Click on
GO. The "Fixed Assets Report" opens in the "View Report" window.
- Click on
Close to close the "View Report" window.
- Click on
Close to close the "Filter Report" window.
Site Listing Report
This report, in CSV format, provides "Site ID," "Site Name," "Region Name," "Contact," "Phone," "E-Mail," "Warehouse Site," "Designated Transfer Site," "Facility ID," "Notes," "Shipping Address," "Instructions for Shipping Address," "Billing Address," and "Instructions for Billing Address."
- Click on
Sites, located in the top navigation bar.
- Click the Please Select Site Report drop-down menu, located above the blue grid header.
- Select Site Listing under the "--- Excel ---" menu subcategory.
- If prompted “Do you want to open or save csv," click on Open. The "Site Listing" report opens within Microsoft Excel. If your browser does not prompt to open the file, check your downloads folder.
Charge Listing Report
This report, in CSV format, provides a listing of all assessed charges (satisfied or unsatisfied) across the district, filtered by "Staff" or "Student," "Issue Date Range," "Charge Type," and "Charge Issued." The report includes "Site ID," "Site Name," "Location Type," "ID," "Last Name," "First Name," "Middle Name," "Staff Type," "Grade," "Homeroom," "Product," "Tag," "Charge Type," "Description," "Charge Notes," "Issue Date," "Charge Amount," "Amount Paid" (combined total for all respective payments for the charge), "Amount Due," and "Satisfied Date."
- Click on
Sites, located in the top navigation bar.
- Click the Please Select Site Report drop-down menu, located above the blue grid header.
- Select Charge Listing under the "--- Excel ---" menu subcategory. The "Charge Listing Filters" window opens.
- Select the respective Charges For from the drop-down menu.
- Select the Issue Date Range from the drop-down menu.
- (Optional) Select the respective Charge Type from the drop-down menu.
- (Optional) Select the Charge Issued from the drop-down menu.
- If "Charge Issued" is selected, enter quantity in Qty.
- Click on
- If prompted “Do you want to open or save csv," click on Open. The "Charge Listing Report" opens within Microsoft Excel. If your browser does not prompt to open the file, check your downloads folder.
- Click on
Close to close the "Charge Listing Filters" window.
Charge Activity Listing Report
This report, in CSV format, provides a listing of students/staff, their respective charges (satisfied or unsatisfied), and all charge payments (payment, void, or refund) respective to a site. The report includes "Site Name," "Location Type," "ID," "Last Name," "First Name," "Middle Name," "Staff Type," "Grade," "Homeroom," "Product, Tag," "Charge Type," "Description," "Charge Notes," "Issue Date," "Charge Amount," "Activity Date," "Activity Type," "Activity Amount," "Activity Notes," "Activity Recorded By," and "Satisfied Date."
- Click on
Sites, located in the top navigation bar.
- Click the Please Select Site Report drop-down menu, located above the blue grid header.
- Select Charge Activity Listing under the "--- Excel ---" menu subcategory. The "Charge Activity Listing Filters" window opens.
- Select the respective Charges For from the drop-down menu.
- Select the Activity Date Range from the drop-down menu.
- (Optional) Select the Charge Type from the drop-down menu.
- Click on
- If prompted “Do you want to open or save csv," click on Open. The "Charge Activity Listing Report" opens within Microsoft Excel. If your browser does not prompt to open the file, check your downloads folder.
- Click on
Close to close the "Charge Activity Listing Filters" window.
Staff Inventory Status Report
This report, in CSV format, provides a detailed list of items issued to staff members.
- Click on
Sites, located in the top navigation bar.
- Click the Please Select Site Report drop-down menu, located above the blue grid header.
- Select Staff Inventory Status Report under the "--- Excel ---" menu subcategory. The "Filter Report" window opens.
- Select all sites or specific sites by checking appropriates box(es) from the Site(s) drop-down menu.
- Select the respective Staff Status from the drop-down menu.
- Select the respective Tag Status from the drop-down menu.
- Click on
- If prompted “Do you want to open or save csv," click on Open. The "Staff Inventory Status Report" opens within Microsoft Excel. If your browser does not prompt to open the file, check your downloads folder.
- Click on
Close to close the "Filter Report" window.
Sent Receipts Report
This report, in CSV format, provides a list of receipts sent to students/staff. This report includes "Site ID," "Site Name," "Location Type," "ID," "Last Name," "First Name," "Middle Name," "Staff Type," "Grade," "Homeroom," "Receipt Type," "Signed Receipt," "E-Mail Date," "Student E-Mail," "Parent E-Mail," and "E-Mail."
- Click on
Sites, located in the top navigation bar.
- Click the Please Select Site Report drop-down menu, located above the blue grid header.
- Select Sent Receipts Report under the "--- Excel ---" menu subcategory. The "Sent Receipt Report" window opens.
- Select the respective Sent Receipt For from the drop-down menu.
- Select the Sent Receipt Date Range from the drop-down menu.
- Select the Sent Receipt Type from the drop-down menu.
- Click on
- If prompted “Do you want to open or save csv," click on Open. The "Sent Receipts Report" opens within Microsoft Excel. If your browser does not prompt to open the file, check your downloads folder.
- Click on
Close to close the "Sent Receipts Report" window.
Site Transfer Summary Report
This report, in CSV format, provides administrative users a detailed list of transferred and received items by site.
- Click on
Sites, located in the top navigation bar.
- Click the Please Select Site Report drop-down menu, located above the blue grid header.
- Select Site Transfer Summary Report under the "--- Excel ---" menu subcategory. The "Transfer Summary Report" window opens.
- Select the respective Date Range from the drop-down menu.
- Click on
- If prompted “Do you want to open or save csv," click on Open. The "Site Transfer Summary Report" opens within Microsoft Excel. If your browser does not prompt to open the file, check your downloads folder.
- Click on
Close to close the "Transfer Summary Report" window.