Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Edit a Tag

Tag Search is available in the top navigation bar. It allows a user to search for a specific tag or an item's serial number (a minimum of 3 digits are required), review tag details, and edit tag-specific information. To change the status of a tag, review "Update Tag Location or Status."

  1.  Navigation:
  2. Admin/Site/Warehouse View
  3. Tag Information Window

Edit a Tag’s Details

Administrative-level users and site administrators can edit a small number of fields associated with the tag (including the tag number, serial number, tag notes, and custom fields, if they apply). They must be logged into the site where the tag is located to edit the tag's information.

  1. Click within the Tag/Serial Search field, located in the top navigation bar.


  1. Enter/scan the tag number (it can be made up of alpha and/or numeric characters).
  2. Click on search2.png Search or press the Enter key on your keyboard. The "Tag Information" window opens and displays the tag details.


  1. Click on edit.png Edit, located below and to the right of the "Tag Notes" field. Edit the Tag, Serial, Tag Notes, Asset Condition, Due Date, and any additional custom fields (required fields are red). "Due Dates" apply only to inventory assigned to a student or staff member. When the Due Date is equal to today’s date, a small alert icon is placed next to the date. When the Due Date is past due, the text will turn red. Changes are logged for this tag in the "Tag Lifecyle Report."
  2. Click on save.png Update.
  3. Click on x.png Close to close the "Tag Information" window.

Edit a Tag’s Funding Information

Editing a tag's "Funding Information" is only available for tags with a “Source” of “Initial.” An initial source indicates that an asset was added to the database without "Purchase Order" information.
Administrative users and site users must first be logged into the site the tag is located to edit a tag’s Funding Information.

  1. Click within the Tag/Serial Search field, located in the top navigation bar.


  1. Enter/scan the tag number (it can be made up of alpha and/or numeric characters).
  2. Click on search2.png Search or press the Enter key on your keyboard. The "Tag Information" window opens and displays the tag details.
  3. Click on edit.png Edit, located in the "Funding Information" section.


  1. Edit the Funding Source, Purchase Date, and Purchase Price, as needed, or select Associate to Purchase Order. (Associate to Purchase Order is available for Administrative Administrators only.)
  2. Review and verify the information is correct.
  3. Click on save.png Update. The window refreshes and updates the "Funding Information."
  4. Click on x.png Close to close the "Tag Information" window.

Associate a Tag to a Purchase Order

Editing a tag's "Funding Information" is only available for tags with a “Source” of “Initial.” An initial source indicates that an asset was added to the database without "Purchase Order" information.

Associating a tag to a "Purchase Order" allows administrators to associate an initialized tag to a specific product line on a purchase order and have the funding information automatically matched.

  1. Click within the Tag/Serial Search field, located on the top navigation bar.


  1. Enter/scan the tag number (it can be made up of alpha and/or numeric characters).
  2. Click on search2.png Search or press the Enter key on your keyboard. The "Tag Information" window opens and displays the tag details.
  3. Click on edit.png Edit, located in the "Funding Information" section.
  4. Select Associate to Purchase Order. The "Associate to Purchase Order" window opens.


  1. Search for the respective purchase order.
  2. Click on Select, located in the respective purchase order’s row. The window updates with the "Purchase Order Details" and "Product Details."
  3. Click on Select Product Line on Purchase Order to associate a tag with a product line. The window updates with the purchase order product lines.
  4. Select a product line from the grid. The window returns to the previous screen and "Funding Source," "Account Code," "Purchase Price," and "Department" fields are automatically populated.
    1. To manually update the Funding Source, Purchase Price, and/or Account Code, enter the information into the corresponding fields.
  5. Click on next2.png Final Confirmation. The window updates with the new funding information. The "Associate to Purchase Order" window displays the  following message" "Confirm that the Following information is correct and click ‘GO’ to add the tag to the purchase order. Note that this action cannot be undone."
  6. Click on go.pngGO.
  7. Click on x.png Close to close the "Associate to Purchase Order" window.

Remove Tag from a Purchase Order

If an asset has been brought into the database via the "Purchasing" grid and associated to the wrong "Purchase Order," it can be removed from that "Purchase Order."

Administrative users and site users must first be logged into the site the tag is located to edit a tag’s Funding Information.

  1. Click within the Tag/Serial Search field, located on the top navigation bar.


  1. Enter/scan the tag number (it can be made up of alpha and/or numeric characters).
  2. Click on search2.png Search or press the Enter key on your keyboard. The "Tag Information" window opens and displays the tag details.


  1. Click on remove.png Remove Tag from Order, located in the "Funding Information" section.
  2. Click OK in the "Remove Tag from Order" confirmation window.
  3. Click on x.png Close to close the "Tag Information" window.

Edit a Tag’s Assigned Product

Editing a tag's assigned product number is only available for tags with a “Source” of “Initial.” An initial source indicates that an asset was added to the database without "Purchase Order" information.

Administrative users and site administrators must be logged into the site the tag is located to edit a tag’s assigned product number.

  1. Click within the Tag/Serial Search field, located on the top navigation bar.


  1. Enter/scan the tag number (it can be made up of alpha and/or numeric characters).
  2. Click on search2.png Search or press the Enter key on your keyboard. The "Tag Information" window opens and displays the tag details.


  1. Click on edit.png Edit, located next to the "Product Number" field in the "Purchasing Information" section.
  2. Search for the respective product.
  3. Click on Select, located in the respective product’s row. The window updates with the selected product’s information.
  4. Review and verify the "Current Product" and "Selected Product" information is correct.
  5. Click on save.png Update. The window refreshes to show the newly assigned product.
  6. Click on x.png Close to close the "Tag Information" window.
  • Tag search results for districts with the "Departments" feature enabled will display the department to which the tag is assigned. If the user viewing the tag search results is not assigned to the respective tag's assigned department, the "Department" field will be red.
  • Review Bulk Edit, located on the "Tags" page above the blue grid header, to edit multiple tags at once, as well as the Purchase Price, Purchase Date, Funding Source, and Status (only available to administrative-level users).
  • To edit the Purchase Date, Purchase Price, and/or Funding Source assigned to a specific tag with an "Inventory Type" of "Order," use Edit Purchase Order Details in the "Purchasing" grid.