Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Transfer Settings

Management Settings allows the administrative level to set user preferences which affects user experiences within Asset Management.

  1.  Navigation:
  2. Admin View
  3. Quick Links

Allow Transfer of Tags with Restricted Funding Sources

These preferences affect site to site transfers of tags that have been associated with restricted funding sources.

  1. Under Management Quick Links, click District Settings. The Manage District Settings window opens.
  2. Click Transfer Settings to expand this section.
  3. Select the preferences:
    • Enable Denied Asset Process – Tags with a restricted funding source can no longer be deleted by the approver. Instead, they are marked as ‘denied’ and will unblock the transfer from submission
    • Restrict tag transfers if the funding source is restricted – Tags with a restricted funding source are not allowed to be placed on a Site-to-Site transfer.
  4. Click save.png Save. The message "All preference changes have been saved" displays.
  5. Click close.png Close to close the Manage District Settings window.

Set Approvals for Site-to-Site Transfers

These preferences affect site to site transfers. If both are selected, the destination site reviews a transfer at two different times (once before it is In Transit and once after the transfer has arrived at the site). Before shipment to their site, site administrators deny or approve the whole transfer or specific line items.

  1. Under Management Quick Links, click District Settings. The Manage District Settings window opens.
  2. Click Transfer Settings to expand this section.
  3. Select the preferences:
    • Initiated Transfers Require Approval – enables the destination site’s administrator to approve/deny each transfer waiting to be shipped from another site
    • Inventory Received from a Site Requires Approval from the Site Admin (drop-down menu) – enables the destination site’s administrator to approve/deny each transfer shipped and waiting to be received on the destination site
    • Inventory Received from a Site Requires Approval from the District Only (drop-down menu) – enables the district administrator to approve/deny each transfer shipped and waiting to be received on the destination site
    • Transfers Require District Signature to be Captured – allow users to capture digital signatures when conducting site to site transfers
  4. Click save.png Save. The message "All preference changes have been saved" displays.
  5. Click close.png Close to close the Manage District Settings window.