Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Running Audit Reports

The Audits page provides reports to be viewed/printed that compile information from multiple sites.

  1.  Navigation:
  2. Admin View
  3. Audits

Audit Detail Report

This report provides a listing of the tags and their displayed audit state from room audits, based on the filters applied to the "Reconcile Audits" grid.

The report includes, in CSV format, "Site ID," "Site Name," "Tag," "Asset Type," "Parent Tag," "Serial Number," "Audit State," "Audit Scan Date," "Audit Scan By," "Audit Location," "Expected Location," "Location Type," "Grade," "Audit Date," "Audit By," "Audit Status," "Action Taken," "Audit Notes," "Product Number," "Product Name," "Model," "Manufacturer," "Product Type," "Tag Status," "Tag Notes," "Order Number," "Funding Source," "Purchase Price," "Purchase Price," and "Facility ID."

  1. Click on audits.pngAudits, located in the top navigation bar. The "Audits" menu displays.
  2. Click on Reconcile Audits.

  3. filters.png Filter for the respective audited tags using the "Reconcile Audits" filters. At least one filter must be applied.
  4. Click go.pngApply Filter(s). The respective tags are displayed in the "Reconcile Audits" grid.
  5. Click on Please Select Audit Report drop-down menu, located above the "Reconcile Audit" blue grid header.
  6. Select Audit Detail Report under the "--- Excel ---" menu subcategory. The "Audit Detail Report Settings" window opens.
  7. Select check.png Arrange by Audit Information, if desired, to show the "Audit Status," "Audit State," "Action Taken," and "Status" columns at the beginning of the spreadsheet.
  8. Click go.pngGO.
  9. If prompted "Do you want to open or save “AuditDetailReport.csv," click on Open. The "Audit Detail Report" opens in Microsoft Excel.

Site Audit Detail Report

This report includes, in CSV format, "Audit Status," "Audit State," "Action Taken," "Inventory Status," "Site ID," "Site Name," "Region," "Department," "Tag," "Asset Type," "Parent Tag," "Serial Number," "Audit Scan Date," "Audit Scan By," "Audit Location," "Expected Location," "Location Type," "Grade," "Audit Date," "Audit By," "Audit Notes," "Product Number," "Product Name," "Model," "Manufacturer," "Product Type," "Tag Notes," "Order Number," "Funding Source," "Purchase Price," and "Facility ID."

  1. Click on audits.png Audits, located in the top navigation bar. The "Audits" menu displays.
  2. Click on View Site Audits.

  3. Locate the row for the respective administrative-created audit.
  4. Click on scroll.png Audit Detail Report, located under the "Actions" column. The "Audit Detail Report Settings" window opens.
  5. Select check.png Arrange by Audit Information to show the "Audit Status," "Audit State," "Action Taken," and "Status" columns at the beginning of the spreadsheet.
  6. Click go.pngGO. The "Audit Detail Report" opens in Microsoft Excel.

Room Audit Summary Report

This report provides, in PDF format, a listing of room audits' tags and their last audit state, based on the filters applied to the "Rooms" grid. It includes "Room Number," "Room Name," "Room Type," "Status," "Created By," "Created Date," "Last Modified By," "Last Modified Date," "Initiated By," "Approved By," "Approved Date," "Scan Completed By," "Scan Completed On," "Audit Inventory," "Verified," "Found," "Missing," and "Misplaced."

  1. Click on audits.png Audits, located in the top navigation bar. The "Audits" menu displays.
  2. Click on View Site Audits.

  3. Search for the respective administrative-created site audit.
  4. Click on detailedinventory.png District Audit Details, located under the "Actions" column. The "District Audit Details" window opens.
  5. Search for the respective room audit.
  6. Click on scroll.png Room Audit Summary Report, located under the "Actions" column. The "Room Audit Summary Report" window opens.
  7. Click on x.png Close to close the "Room Audit Summary Report" window.
  8. Click on x.png Close to close the "District Audit Details" window.

Room Audit Detail Report

This report provides, in PDF format, a listing of room audits' tags and their last audit state, based on the filters applied to the "Rooms" grid and by report filters ("Audit State" and/or "Audit Status"). It includes "Site ID," "Site Name," "Tag," "Serial Number," "Audit State," "Audit Location," "Expected Location," "Room Type," "Audit Date," "Audit By," "Audit Status," "Action Taken," "Audit Notes,"
"Product Number," "Product Name," "Model," "Manufacturer," "Catalog Type," "Inventory Status," "Tag Notes," "Order Number," "Funding Source," and "Purchase Price."

  1. Navigate to the desired "Site" using the Switch to Site dropdown above the "Quick Links."
  2. Click on rooms.png Rooms, located in the top navigation bar. The "Audits" menu displays.
  3. Click on the Please Report Room Report drop-down menu, located above the "Rooms" blue grid header.
  4. Select Room Audit Detail Report under the "--- Excel ---" menu subcategory. The "Filter Report" window opens.
  5. Select the respective audit filters from the Audit State and Audit Status drop-down menus.
  6. Click on go.pngGO.
  7. If prompted “Do you want to open or save RoomAuditDetailReport.csv," click on Open. The "Room Audit Detail Report" opens within Microsoft Excel.

Compliance Report

This report provides, in PDF format, an outline for a single approved/closed audit on the View Site Audits grid. The report includes Audit Name, Inventory, Verified, Missing, Misplaced, Created Date, Approved Date, and Completed Date. When compliance information is added, the report also includes Compliance Status, Police Report Attached, District Notes, and Updates.

  1. Click on audits.png Audits, located in the top navigation bar. The "Audits" menu displays.
  2. Click on View Site Audits.

  3. Click on the compliance.png Compliance Report, located under the "Actions" column on the blue grid header. The "Compliance Report" window opens.
  4. Click letter.png Record Compliance to add compliance information, located at the bottom of the report. The "Record Compliance" window opens.
  5. Select the Compliance Status of the audit.
  6. Select the "Police Report Attached" information for the audit:
    • Yes – The "Site" attached a police report for each item with a "Lost" status and is compliant
    • No – The "Site" did not attach a police report for each item with a "Lost" status and is not compliant
    • Not Required – A police report is not required
    • Not Set – The default setting, meaning nothing has been indicated
  7. (Optional) Enter notes in the "Notes" field.
  8. Click on save.png Save. The Compliance Report updates with the revision.
Note: At the bottom of the "Compliance Report" is an "E-Mail Report" action. Clicking on this action allows the user to e-mail a copy of the report to specified users:
  • Audit Creator – The creator of the site audit
  • Audit Approver – The approver of the site audit
  • Primary Site Contact – The primary site contact where the audit is located
  • Additional E-Mail Addresses – Any additional users

Full Compliance Report

This report provides, in PDF format, an outline for each approved/closed audit on the View Site Audits grid. The report includes Audit Name, Site Name, Inventory, Verified, Missing, Misplaced, Created Date, Approved Date, and Completed Date.

  1. Click on audits.png Audits, located in the top navigation bar. The "Audits" menu displays.
  2. Click on View Site Audits.

  3. Click on the Please Select Audit Report drop-down menu, located above the "Audits" blue grid header.
  4. Select Full Compliance Report under the "--- PDF ---" menu subcategory. The "Full Compliance Report" window opens.
  5. Select check.png Arrange by Audit Information to show the "Audit Status," "Audit State," "Action Taken," and "Status" columns at the beginning of the spreadsheet.
  6. Click on x.png Close to close the "Full Compliance Report" window.

Audit Listing Report

This report, in CSV format, provides a list of all the district-initiated audits across all sites based on the filters applied to "View Site Audits." The report includes "Audit Name," "Site," "Created Date," "Last Modified Date," "New," "In Progress," "Scan Complete," "Closed," "Progress," "Police Report," "Inventory," "Verified," "Misplaced," "Missing," "Compliance Status," and "Recent Notes on Compliance Report."

  1. Click on audits.png Audits, located in the top navigation bar. The "Audits" menu displays.
  2. Click on View Site Audits.

  3. Click on the Please Select Audit Report drop-down menu, located above the "Audits" blue grid header.
  4. Select Audit Listing under the "--- Excel ---" menu subcategory.
  5. If prompted “Do you want to open or save Audit_Listing.csv," click on Open. The "Audit Listing" report opens within Microsoft Excel.

District Audit Listing Report

This report, in CSV format, provides a breakdown of the results of an entire district-initiated audit, based on the filters applied to the "District Audit Details.' The report includes "Location," "Location ID," "Grade," "Status," "Modified Date," "Inventory," "Verified," "Found," "Missing," "Misplaced," "Audit Due Date," "Approved By," "Approved Date," "Assigned To," "Scan Completed By," "Scan Completed Date," "Total Inventory," "Total Verified," Total Found," "Total Missing," and "Total Misplaced."

  1. Click on audits.png Audits, located in the top navigation bar. The "Audits" menu displays.
  2. Click on View Site Audits.

  3. Locate the respective audit.
  4. Click on detailedinventory.png District Audit Details under the "Actions" column. The "District Audit Details" window opens.
  5. Click on the Please Select Audit Report drop-down menu, located above the blue grid header.
  6. Select District Audit Listing.
  7. If prompted “Do you want to open or save <Audit Name>_Listing.csv,” click on Open. The "District Audit Listing" report opens within Microsoft Excel.
Note: For customers with the "Departments" feature installed and enabled, "Department" will be included on the "Audit Detail Report," "Site Audit Detail Report," and "Room Audit Detail Report."