The "E-Mail Notifications" section (under "Management" Quick Links) allows the administrative level to determine when e-mail notifications will be sent. When opened, the "Audits" panel displays by default; collective sections to manage include: Audits, Collection, Distribution, Status Approvals, Status Changes, Tag Due Dates, Transfers, and Warehouse Transfer Requests.
- Navigation:
- Admin View
- "Management" Quick Links
- E-Mail Notifications
Click a hyperlink below to jump to that topic:
Click on the Audits dropdown within "Email Notifications," if not already selected.
Select Audit Compliance Notification preferences. (All boxes are disabled by default.) | |
Notify Site when Audit is ApprovedWhen an audit is approved, an e-mail is sent to the primary site contact containing a link to the Audit Compliance Report. |
Notify Audit Creator when Audit is ApprovedWhen an audit is approved, an e-mail is sent to the primary site contact containing a link to the Audit Compliance Report. |
Notify Audit Approver when Audit is ApprovedWhen an audit is approved, an e-mail is sent to the audit approver containing a link to the Audit Compliance Report. |
Select Due Date Notifications preferences. (All boxes are disabled by default.) | |
Notify Site of Audit Due Date (Nightly)A nightly e-mail notification sent to the Site Contact regarding the due date of district assigned audits. Once the date is past due, the e-mail is no longer sent. |
Notify Site when Audit is Past Due (Nightly)An e-mail notification sent nightly to the Site Contact regarding the past due status of district assigned audits. Once audit is approved, the e-mail is no longer sent. |
Notify District when Audit is Past Due (Nightly)An e-mail notification is sent nightly to the audit creator regarding the past due status of district assigned audits from their site. Once the audit is approved, the e-mail is no longer sent. |
Remember to click Save once you are finished.
Click here to see image example.
Click on the Collection dropdown within "Email Notifications," and review the following:
Select Collection Receipt Notifications preferences. (All boxes are disabled by default.) | |
Allow Sites to E-Mail Receipts to StaffAn e-mail notification is sent to selected staff member(s) with the Collection Transaction Receipt attached. |
Allow Sites to Send E-Mail Receipts to Students / ParentsAn e-mail notification is sent to selected student(s) with the Collection Transaction Receipt attached. |
Automatically Send Receipts NightlyAn e-mail notification is automatically sent nightly for receipts collected within the previous 24 hours to selected staff member(s) / student(s) with the Collection Transaction Receipt attached. |
Email Notification ForSelect Staff, Students, or Parents from the E-Mail Notification For drop-down menu. |
Subject LineFor each notification type above, enter an e-mail subject in the Subject Line field. |
Text EditorEnter text in the e-mail body using the Text Editor. |
Remember to click Save once you are finished. *You can optionally enter an email address and click Send Test E-mail.
Click here to see image example.
Click on the Distribution dropdown within "Email Notifications," and review the following:
Select Distribution Receipt Notifications preferences. (All boxes are enabled by default.) | |
Allow Sites to E-Mail Receipts to StaffAn e-mail notification is sent to selected staff member(s) with the Distribution Transaction Receipt attached. |
Allow Sites to Send E-Mail Receipts to Students / ParentsAn e-mail notification is sent to selected student(s) with the Distribution Transaction Receipt attached. |
Automatically Send Receipts NightlyAn e-mail notification is automatically sent nightly for receipts distributed within the previous 24 hours to selected staff member(s) / student(s) with the Distribution Transaction Receipt attached. |
Email Notification ForSelect Staff, Students, or Parents from the E-Mail Notification For drop-down menu. |
Subject LineFor each notification type above, enter an e-mail subject in the Subject Line field. |
Text EditorEnter text in the e-mail body using the Text Editor. |
Remember to click Save once you are finished. *You can optionally enter an email address and click Send Test E-mail.
Click here to see image example.
Status Approvals
Click on the Status Approvals dropdown within "Email Notifications," and review the following:
Select E-Mail Notifications preferences. (All boxes are disabled by default.) | |
LostAn e-mail notification is sent indicating tag status change to Lost. |
StolenAn e-mail notification is sent indicating tag status change to Stolen. |
Please Select Email RecipientSelect an e-mail recipient from the drop-down menu. |
Remember to click Save once you are finished.
Click here to see image example.
Status Changes
Click on the Status Changes dropdown within "Email Notifications," and review the following:
Select tag status. (All boxes are disabled by default.) | |
AuctionedAn e-mail notification is sent indicating tag status change to Auctioned. |
DisposedAn e-mail notification is sent indicating tag status change to Disposed. |
In RepairAn e-mail notification is sent indicating tag status change to In Repair. |
LostAn e-mail notification is sent indicating tag status change to Lost. |
RecycledAn e-mail notification is sent indicating tag status change to Recycled. |
Return to VendorAn e-mail notification is sent indicating tag status change to Returned to Vendor. |
SoldAn e-mail notification is sent indicating tag status change to Sold. |
StolenAn e-mail notification is sent indicating tag status change to Stolen. |
SurplusAn e-mail notification is sent indicating tag status change to Surplus. |
Used for PartsAn e-mail notification is sent indicating tag status change to Used for Parts. |
Please Select Email RecipientSelect an e-mail recipient from the drop-down menu. |
Remember to click Save once you are finished.
Click here to see image example.
Tag Due Dates
Click on the Tag Due Dates dropdown within "Email Notifications," and review the following:
Select Tag Due Date Notifications preferences. (All boxes are disabled by default.) | |
Allow Sites to E-Mail Notifications to StaffAn e-mail notification is sent to selected staff member(s). |
Allow Sites to Send E-Mail Notifications to StudentsAn e-mail notification is sent to selected student(s). |
Notify Sites When Tags are Past DueAn e-mail notification alert is sent to a site when they have past due items. |
Email Notification ForSelect Staff or Students from the E-Mail Notification For drop-down menu. |
Subject LineFor each notification type above, enter an e-mail subject in the Subject Line field. |
Text EditorEnter text in the e-mail body using the Text Editor. |
Remember to click Save once you are finished. *You can optionally enter an email address and click Send Test E-mail.
Click here to see image example.
Click on the Transfers dropdown within "Email Notifications," and review the following:
Select Transfer Notifications preferences. (All boxes are disabled by default.) | |
Transfer Requires ApprovalAn e-mail notification is sent indicating action must be taken by recipient before transfer can be shipped/received. |
Transfer is submitted (Nightly)An e-mail notification is automatically sent nightly for transfer requests submitted within the previous 24 hours. |
Transfer is DeniedAn e-mail notification is sent indicating sending party has refused transfer. |
Transfer is DelayedAn e-mail notification is sent alerting recipient the transfer has been held up. This option is related to warehouse functionality and drivers. |
Transfer is Ready to be ReceivedAn e-mail notification is sent indicating action must be taken by recipient before transfer can be received at that location. |
Select Restricted Tag Notifications preferences. (All boxes are disabled by default.) | |
Notify Users who can Approve the Tag(s)An e-mail notification is sent to the designated person(s) who can approve the transfer. |
E-Mail Report to District AdminsAn e-mail notification is sent to the designated administrators. |
Remember to click Save once you are finished.
Transfer Notes
Click here to see image example.
Click on the Warehouse Transfer Requests dropdown within "Email Notifications," and review the following:
Select Warehouse Transfer Requests preferences. (All boxes are disabled by default.) | |
Request Requires ApprovalAn e-mail notification is sent indicating a transfer request has been submitted. |
Request is Submitted (Nightly)An e-mail notification is automatically sent nightly for transfer requests submitted within the previous 24 hours. |
Request is DeniedAn e-mail notification is sent indicating a transfer request has been denied. |
Request is ApprovedAn e-mail notification is sent indicating a transfer request has been approved. |
Remember to click Save once you are finished.