Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Create and Conduct a Room Audit

A “Room Audit” allows a site to scan all tags in a room and quickly identify missing and misplaced items. "Room" audits can be created by the site or administrative-level users.

  1.  Navigation:
  2. Site View
  3. Rooms

When conducting a "Room" audit, items located in the room but not found in the database can be initialized (added to the database by administrators and site users) using "Initialize Room Inventory." If the item’s product has not been defined in the "Catalog," it can be defined by administrators during the audit using "Create New Product."

Create a Room Audit

  1. Click on rooms.png Rooms, located in the top navigation bar.
  2. Filter the "Rooms" grid to locate the respective room.
  3. Click on the respective room’s row. The grid expands and displays the Details, Inventory, Staff, and Audits tabs.
  4. Click on the Audits tab.
  5. Click on add.png Add Record, located in the Audits tab. The "Room Audit" window opens.


  1. Review the products listed on the "Room Audit" grid.
    • If any product should be excluded from this room audit, click on remove.png Exclude under the "Actions" column on the respective product’s row.
  2. To begin conducting the room audit immediately, skip to "Conduct a Room Audit," below.
  3. To conduct the audit later, click the done.png "X" to close the "Room Audit" window.

Conduct a Room Audit

"Room Audits" in the status of “New” or “In Progress” are eligible to add/edit tags in a room. All respective tags expected to be in the room start in the tag audit state of "Missing." As each expected tag is scanned into the room audit, the tag's audit state moves from "Missing" to "Verified." Any tag scanned into a room audit for which it is not expected to be located is added to the room audit as "Misplaced." The tag then appears in the expected room location as "Found" if that room has an audit in progress.

The “Found” state persists until an administrative audit has been approved or until a site-created room audit has been marked as "Scan Complete."

  1. Click on rooms.png Rooms, located in the top navigation bar.
  2. Filter the "Rooms" grid to locate the respective room.
  3. Click on the respective room’s row. The grid expands and displays the Details, Inventory, Staff, and Audits tabs.
  4. Click on the Audits tab. The audits list is opened.


  1. Search for the respective room audit.
  2. Click on edit.png Edit, located in the same row. The "Room Audit" window opens.
  3. Enter/scan each tag number located in the respective room into the Enter Tag field.
    • Enter all tags physically located in the respective room. Do this even if the product is not listed in the "Room Audit" window as an issued product for that room. Asset Management identifies each tag as "Missing," "Misplaced," "Found," or "Verified."
  4. Click on save.png Save to leave the "Room Audit" window.
  5. Click finalize.png Complete Scan to end and lock the audit from additional tag entries. This changes the audit status from "In Progress" to "Scan Complete."

Initialize Create New Product During a Room Audit

When "Initializing Inventory" during a "Room Audit," if the product has not been defined in the "Catalog," a district administrator can add it using the "Create New Product" feature from the "Room Audit" window.

  1. Click on rooms.png Rooms, located in the top navigation bar.
  2. Filter the "Rooms" grid to locate the respective room.
  3. Click on Initialize.gif Initialize Room Inventory. The "Initialize Room Inventory" window opens.
  4. Click add.png Add New Product. The window refreshes and displays the "Create New Product" fields.


  1. Enter the product information in the respective fields. The "Product Number" field auto-populates. Red fields are required information.
  2. Click on save.png Save. You are returned to the “Initialize Room Inventory” window.
  3. Complete the tag information by filling in the required fields.
  4. Select the Funding Source from the drop-down menu.
  5. Select the Status from the drop-down menu.
  6. Enter/scan the tag number in the Tag field.
  7. Click down.png Save. The system will verify the tag does not already exist in the database.
  8. Enter/scan the serial number in the Serial field.
  9. Click on save2.png Save.
  10. Click on x.png Done to close the "Initialize Room Inventory" window.

Room Inventory During a Room Audit

When an asset with a tag is found in a room during a "Room Audit," but the tag does not exist in the system, it can be added directly from the "Room Audit" window by selecting Initialize Room Inventory, if the user has permission to add new assets.


  1. Click on Initialize.gif Initialize Room Inventory. The "Initialize Room Inventory" window opens.


  1. Enter/scan the product number in the Product Number field. If the product does not exist in the "Catalog," see "Create New Product During a Room Audit," above.
  2. Select the Funding Source from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the Status from the drop-down menu.
  4. Enter/scan the tag number in the Tag field.
  5. Click down.png Save. The system will verify the tag does not already exist in the database.
  6. Enter/scan the serial number in the Serial field.
  7. Click on save2.png Save.
  8. Click on x.png Done to close the "Initialize Room Inventory" window.