Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Room-to-Room Transfer – Room Inventory Details

Users can view all tags within a room and conduct a "Room-to-Room Transfer" from the individual "Room Inventory Details" grid.

  1.  Navigation:
  2. Site View
  3. Rooms

A site user must have permission to perform a room-to-room transfer. Permissions are established by the "Administrative Administrator."

  1. Click on rooms.png Rooms, located in the top navigation bar.
  2. Filter to find the respective room where the tag currently resides.
  3. Click on the respective row to expand the grid.
  4. Click the Inventory tab.
  5. Click on the respective product row to expand the grid. The Product Details tab displays.


  1. Under "Actions," select transfer.png Room to Room Transfer. The "Room to Room" window opens.


  1. The "Tag Number" automatically populates, and the Use Previous Status option is enabled by default. To select a new tag status, deselect Use Previous Status; select new tag status from the Status drop-down menu.
  2. Enter the room number in the Transfer to Room field or search.png Search for the respective room.
  3. Click on save2.png Save.
  4. Click on done.png Done to close the "Room to Room" window. The "Rooms" grid refreshes with an updated list of tags in the room.