Users can view all tags within a room and conduct a "Room-to-Room Transfer" from the individual "Room Inventory Details" grid.
- Navigation:
- Site View
- Rooms
A site user must have permission to perform a room-to-room transfer. Permissions are established by the "Administrative Administrator."
- Click on
Rooms, located in the top navigation bar.
- Filter to find the respective room where the tag currently resides.
- Click on the respective row to expand the grid.
- Click the Inventory tab.
- Click on the respective product row to expand the grid. The Product Details tab displays.
- Under "Actions," select
Room to Room Transfer. The "Room to Room" window opens.
- The "Tag Number" automatically populates, and the Use Previous Status option is enabled by default. To select a new tag status, deselect Use Previous Status; select new tag status from the Status drop-down menu.
- Enter the room number in the Transfer to Room field or
Search for the respective room.
- Click on
- Click on
Done to close the "Room to Room" window. The "Rooms" grid refreshes with an updated list of tags in the room.