Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Issuing a Distribution Receipt from Student

At the individual level, the distribution receipt focuses on a single inventory item assigned to a student. Once an item has been assigned, the individual can digitally sign the receipt, which is then automatically stored under the Attachments tab.

  1.  Navigation:
  2. Site View
  3. Students

View/Sign Distribution Receipt from Student

  1. Click on student.png Students, located in the top navigation bar.
  2. Click the name of respective student. The grid expands and displays the Details, Inventory, Charges, and Attachments tabs.
  3. Click on the Inventory tab.
  4. Under "Actions," click on scroll.png Product Distribution Receipt in the row of the respective tag number. The "Product Distribution Receipt" window opens.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the receipt and click sign.gif Sign Receipt. The "Sign Receipt" window opens.
  6. Using a mouse or stylus, sign in the window.
  7. Click Decline Signature, Clear Signature, or Accept Signature.

  • Clicking Accept Signature allows immediate access to a PDF of the receipt containing the captured information and signature.
  1. Click on x.png Close to close the "Product Distribution Receipt" window.

E-Mail Distribution Receipt from Student

When "Allow Sites to E-Mail Receipts to Students/Parents" is enabled, a digital copy of the collection receipt can be e-mailed and kept with the student’s records.

  1. Click on student.png Students, located in the top navigation bar.
  2. Click the name of respective student. The grid expands and displays the Details, Inventory, Charges, and Attachments tabs.
  3. Click on the Inventory tab.
  4. Under "Actions," click on scroll.png Product Distribution Receipt in the row of the respective tag number. The "Product Distribution Receipt" window opens.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the receipt and click email.png E-Mail Receipt. The "E-Mail Confirmation" window opens. Be sure to get the digital signature first if you want to email a signed receipt.
  6. Enter an e-mail address in the Student or Parent E-Mail Address field.
    • If the staff member, student, or parent has an e-mail address on file, the e-mail address automatically populates.
  7. Select check.png Update E-Mail Record to add the e-mail address to the student or parent’s record. If you district is integrated with a student information system for staff and/or student accounts, you must update the email address in that system.
  8. Click on Confirm to send the e-mail.
  9. Click on x.png Close to close the "Product Distribution Receipt" window.


  • If the receipt was previously signed, it can be viewed from the Attachments tab for the respective user.
  • If an item has a due date, the "Due Date" is indicated in the bottom-right corner of the "Product Distribution Receipt." By signing the "Product Distribution Receipt," the student acknowledges the due date.