Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Staff Types

Staff Types are general categories used to label different kinds of staff members within a site. Staff Types might include Teacher, Technical Staff, Administrative Personnel, and others. 

  1.  Navigation:
  2. Site/Warehouse View
  3. Staff

It is possible to manually add staff members. The best practice is to use the ID number produced by your student management system when manually adding. The data import will update the record you added and will not create a second account for the same staff member.

  1. On the top navigation bar, click staff.gif Staff.
  2. In the Management Quick Links menu, click Staff Types. The Manage Staff Types window opens.
  3. Click plus_sign.png Add Record.
  4. Enter the new staff type’s details. Red fields are required.
  5. Click Save.gif Add.
  6. Click close.png Close to close the Manage Staff Types window.
