- Navigation:
- Warehouse View
- Inventory
The Inventory page, located in a Warehouse in the top navigation bar, allows a site administrator to search, view, and/or print reports respective to the selected filters.
Click on a hyperlink to jump to that article topic:
Inventory Quantity Report
This report, in PDF format, provides inventory quantities respective to the selected filters. Report options include "Funding Source," "Distribution Type," "Manufacturer," "Model," "Product Name," "Product Type," and "Vendor." The report includes a summary of Inventory organized depending on options that include fields “Date Printed," “Qty," “Location,” and “Status”
- Click on Inventory, located in the top navigation bar.
- Filter the "Inventory" grid, using the Basic Filters and/or Advanced Filters feature, for the respective tag information.
- Click on Apply Filters.
- Click the Please Select Inventory Report drop-down menu, located above the blue grid header.
- Select Inventory Quantity Report under the "--- PDF ---" menu subcategory. The "Report Setup" window opens.
- Select the report option from the Report For drop-down menu.
- (Optional) Select Include District Summary.
- (Optional) Select Include Untagged Inventory.
- (Optional) Enter notes in Report Notes box.
- Click on GO. The "Inventory Quantity Report" opens in PDF format.
Archived Inventory Report
This report, in CSV format, provides a detailed list of archived tags. The report includes "Archive Date," "Archive By," "Archive Notes," "Tag," "Serial," "Product Number," "Product Name," "Manufacturer," "Model," "Product Type," "Other" fields (1, 2, and 3), "Suggested Price," "Site ID," "Site Name," "Region," "Location ID," "Location Description," "Location Type," "Name," "Status," "Custom Tag Fields" (1, 2, 3, and 4), "Tag Notes," "Source," "Order Number," "Vendor," "Funding Source," "Account Code," "Purchase Price," "Purchase Date," "Projected Life," "Expiration Date," "Last Scan Date," "Last Scan By," "SKU," "Area," "FRN," "State Funding Percentage," "Federal Funding Percentage," "Invoice Date," "Invoice Number," "Installation Site," "Installation Date," "Facility ID," "Staff Status," "CFDA," and "Sale Price."
- Click on Inventory, located in the top navigation bar.
- Click the Please Select Inventory Report drop-down menu, located above the blue grid header.
- Select Archived Inventory under the "--- Excel ---" menu subcategory.
- If prompted “Do you want to open or save ArchivedInventoryReport.csv," click on Open. The "Archived Inventory" report opens within Microsoft Excel.
Components Listing
This report, in CSV format, provides a list of current component and parent tags located at the "Warehouse." The report includes “Parent Tag,” “Asset Type,” “Container Number,” “Container Description,” “Container Type,” “Inventory Type,” “Tag,” “Product Number,” “Product Name,” “Product Type,” “Status,” “Manufacturer,” “Funding Source,” and “Vendor.”
- Click on Inventory, located in the top navigation bar.
- Filter the "Inventory" grid, using the Basic Filters and/or Advanced Filters feature, for the respective tag information.
- Click the Please Select Inventory Report drop-down menu, located above the blue grid header.
- Select Components Listing under the "--- Excel ---" menu subcategory.
- If prompted “Do you want to open or save ComponentsListing.csv," click on Open. The "Components Listing" report opens within Microsoft Excel.
E-Rate Report
This report, in CSV format, provides "E-Rate" asset information from "Purchase Orders." The report includes "Site ID"; "Site Name"; "Current Room"; "Room Description"; "Tag"; "Serial"; "Product Number"; "Product Name"; "Manufacturer"; "Model"; "Purchase Order"; "Vendor"; "Funding Source"; "FRN"; "State Funding Percentage"; "Federal Funding Percentage"; "Department"; "Account Code"; "Purchase Date"; "Purchase Price"; "Invoice Number"; "Invoice Date"; "Delivery Site"; "Delivery Date"; "Original Install Site," "Original Install Room"; "Original Install Date"; "Expiration Date"; "Status"; "Asset Condition"; "Asset Type"; "Custom Tag Field" #1, #2, #3, and #4; "Tag Notes"; "Status Notes"; "Last Scan Date"; and "Staff Status" fields.
- Click on Inventory, located in the top navigation bar.
- Filter the "Tags" grid, using the Basic Filters and/or Advanced Filters feature, for the respective tag information.
- Click the Please Select Tag Report drop-down menu, located above the blue grid header.
- Select E-Rate Report under the "--- Excel ---" menu subcategory.
- If prompted “Do you want to open or save E-RateReport.csv," click on Open. The "E-Rate Report" opens within Microsoft Excel. If your browser does not prompt you to open the file, check your download folder.
Model End of Life
This report, in CSV format, provides information related to the age of tags as filtered using the "Tags" screen filters ("Basic" and/or "Advanced"). The report includes "Site ID," "Site Name," "Location," "Tag Number," "Serial Number," "Product Name," "Product Type," "Manufacturer," "Model," "Suggested Price," "Projected Life," "Status," "Funding Source," "Account Code," "Purchase Date," "Purchase Price," "Model End of Life," "Approaching End of Life," and "Past End of Life" fields.
- Click on Inventory, located in the top navigation bar.
- Filter the "Tags" grid, using the Basic Filters and/or Advanced Filters feature, for the respective tag information.
- Click the Please Select Tag Report drop-down menu, located above the blue grid header.
- Select Model End of Life Report under the "--- Excel ---" menu subcategory.
- When the message appears asking "Do you want to open or save ModelEndOfLife.csv," click on Open. The "Model End of Life Report" opens within Microsoft Excel. If your browser does not prompt you to open the file, check your download folder.
Inventory Listing
This report, in CSV format, displays the filtered tag information located within the "Warehouse." It shows only the data displayed and in the order of columns listed in the "Inventory Results Grid." It has detailed information regarding each tag, including:
- Where each tag is located:
- Site Name
- Site ID
- Location Description
- Location ID
- Location Type
- Destination
- What kind of item is being tracked:
- Hardware Type
- Product Name
- Product ID
- Product Description
- Model
- Manufacturer
- 3 possible Product Custom Fields
- Suggested Price
- Each item's specific information:
- Tag Number
- Active or Inactive
- Allow Untagged ("True" or "False")
- RFID ("Enabled" or "Not Enabled")
- Asset Type ("Standalone," "Parent," or "Component")
- Status ("In Use" or "Available")
- Department Assigned
- 4 possible Tag Custom Fields
- Last Scan Date and by Whom
- Projected Life
- Expiration Date
- Serial Number
- Asset UID
- Each item's inventory & funding history:
- Inventory Type ("Initial" or "Order")
- Order Number, if applicable
- Funding Source
- Account Code
- Vendor, if applicable
- Purchase Price
- Purchase Date
- Click on Inventory, located in the top navigation bar.
- Filter the "Inventory" grid, using the Basic Filters and/or Advanced Filters feature, for the respective tag information.
- Click the Please Select Inventory Report drop-down menu, located above the blue grid header.
- Select Inventory Listing under the "--- Excel ---" menu subcategory.
- If prompted “Do you want to open or save InventoryListing.csv," click on Open. The "Inventory Listing" report opens within Microsoft Excel.
Tag Depreciation Report
This report, in CSV format, provides tag depreciation value based on selected filters. The user filters the tags by "Report Date," what tags to "Report On," whether to "Calculate Depreciation" by month or year, and whether or not to Include "Archived Inventory." This report includes "Site ID," "Site Name," "Location," "Archive Date," "Archive By," "Archive Notes," "Tag Number," "Serial Number," "Product Name," "Product Type," "Manufacturer," "Model," "Suggested Price," "Projected Life," "Status," "Funding Source," "Account Code," "Purchase Date," "Purchase Price," "Age," "Annual Depreciation," "Monthly Depreciation," "Depreciated Value," "FRN," "State Funding Percentage," "Federal Funding Percentage," "Sale Price," "Invoice Date," "Invoice Number," and "Staff Status."
When creating a "Tag Depreciation Report," annual depreciation and depreciated value are calculated only when the purchase price, purchase date, and projected life of a tag is available.
- Click on Inventory, located in the top navigation bar.
- Filter the "Tags" grid, using the Basic Filters and/or Advanced Filters feature, for the respective tag information.
- Click the Please Select Tag Report drop-down menu, located above the blue grid header.
- Select Tag Depreciation Report under the "--- Excel ---" menu subcategory. The "Tag Depreciation Report Filters" window opens.
- Click on the Calendar Control (open the calendar popup) next to the "Report Date" field to edit the date. The current date is the default date.
- Select Month or Year from the "Calculate Depreciation By" drop-down menu.
- Select or deselect Include Archived Inventory.
- Click on GO.
- If prompted “Do you want to open or save TagDepreciationReport.csv," click on Open. The "Tag Depreciation Report" opens within Microsoft Excel.