Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Collect from Student to a Room

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  3. Student

This process allows a site to collect from a student an item in the status of "In Use." To locate the tag's originating source before or after you have collected the item from the student, perform a "Tag Search" for the respective tag number and review the Status History tab.

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Collect from Student to a Room

  1. Click on student.png Students, located in the top navigation bar.
  2. Filter for the respective student. The grid expands and displays the Details, Inventory, Charges, and Attachments tabs. The record expands to show the Inventory tab.
  3. Locate the item to be collected and click on collect.png Quick Collect under the "Actions" column. The "Quick Collect" window opens.


  1. Click on search.png Search and select the respective room. If you know the room number, you can type it directly into the Room Number field and press Enter on your keyboard.
  2. Select the tag status from the Collect to Status drop-down menu.
  3. (Optional) Enter notes in the Status Notes field.
    1. Click on lock.png Lock/Unlock to secure if collecting more than one asset.
  4. Verify the tag number in the "Tag" field.
  5. Click on save2.png Save.
    • If there are accessories to be collected for this tag, they will display in the "Collect Accessories" grid. Edit the Collected Quantity for the respective accessory.
  6. To collect the tag and respective accessories, click on save2.png Collect Accessories.
  7. Click on scroll.png View Transaction Receipt, located under the "Actions" column, to view the report in PDF format.
  8. To assess a charge to a staff member’s tag, click on charge.png Assess Charge, located under the "Actions" column on the "Audits" grid.
  9. Click on done.png Done to close the "Quick Collect" window.

Collect from Student to a Transfer

If the asset being collected is to be transferred to another site, it can be collected directly to a current transfer or to a new transfer.

  1. Click on student.png Student, located in the top navigation bar.
  2. Click on the respective student’s row. The grid expands and displays the Details, Inventory, Charges, and Attachments tabs. The record expands to show the Inventory tab.
  3. Locate the item to be collected and click on collect.png Quick Collect under the "Actions" column. The "Quick Collect" window opens.
  4. Select Transfer from the "Collect to" drop-down menu.


  1. Click on search.png Search and select the respective room. If you know the room number, you can type it directly into the Room Number field and press Enter on your keyboard.
  2. Click on search.png Search next to the "Add to Transfer" field.
    • If the transfer does not exist, select a destination from the Destination drop-down menu located in the "Create a New Transfer" area. Click on go.pngGO.
    • To use an existing transfer, select the transfer from the "Search for an Existing Transfer" grid.
  3. Select the tag status from the Collect to Status drop-down menu.
  4. (Optional) Enter notes in the Status Notes field.
    1. Click on lock.png Lock/Unlock to secure.
  5. Verify the tag number in the "Tag" field.
  6. Click on save2.png Save.
    • If there are accessories to be collected for this tag, they will display in the "Collect Accessories" grid. Edit the Collected Quantity for the respective accessory.
  7. To transfer the tag and respective accessories, click on save2.png Collect Accessories.
  8. Click on scroll.png View Transaction Receipt, located under the "Actions" column to view the report in PDF format.
  9. To assess a charge to a staff member’s tag, click on charge.png Assess Charge, located under the "Actions" column on the "Audits" grid.
  10. Click on done.png Done to close the "Quick Collect" window.