Quick Entry allows you to perform collections. The Teacher Collection without Accessions data type is designed to quickly collect quantities of materials distributed to teachers without using accession numbers. This data type will not collect distributions issued using accession numbers.
Quick Entry works best when using bar codes and a scanner (such as a Symbol LS2208 or Socket Scanner). This allows data to be read quickly and accurately. As records are scanned, they are displayed on screen for verification purposes. Receipt(s) can be printed as soon as a collection has been made.
Teacher Collection without Accessions
Due to the lack of accession numbers, this data type requires Teacher ID and ISBN to collect the materials. This data type will not collect distributions using accession numbers.
- Navigation:
- Automation
- Quick Entry
- Teacher Collection without Accessions
- Click on Automation, located on the Navigation Bar.
- Click on Quick Data Entry. This opens the Quick Entry page.
- Select the Teacher Collection without Accessions using the Choose Type of Data Entry drop-down menu.
- Click Go. This opens the Quick Entry Teacher Collection without Accessions page.
- Scan the Teacher ID into the ID field.
- Scan the desired ISBN into the ISBN field.
- Enter the quantity to collect of the respective ISBN into the Copies field.
This collects the quantity entered, displays the respective individual's information in the grids, and places the cursor in the refreshed Teacher ID field. - Continue scanning until all of the desired materials are collected.
- Click on Clear Page to return to the Quick Entry page.
If you wish to print a receipt for the individual, click on either Today's Receipt or Full Receipt . The receipts will provide distribution data for the most recent individual located in the successful scan section (top row).