Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Site Audit Overview

The Audits page provides users at the site level the ability to view administrative-created audits (respective to their site) and the progress of the room audits as they move to different statuses. Only the administrative level takes actions on "Scan Complete" administrative-created audits.

  1.  Navigation:
  2. Admin View
  3. Audits
  4. View Site Audits

Click a hyperlink below to jump to that topic:


  • *When running the "Audit Detail" report, if "Arrange by Audit Information" is selected, the columns "Audit Status," "Audit State," "Action Taken," and "Status" appear at the beginning of the spreadsheet.
  • For districts with the "Departments" feature installed and enabled, the "Room," "Staff," and "Student" audit windows will display the "Department" field when the product row is expanded. "Department" will then be included on the "Audit Detail" report.
  • *The "E-Mail Staff to Audit Homerooms" option is only available if "Audit For: Room" is selected.
  • *The "E-Mail Staff to Audit Inventory" option is only available if "Audit For: Staff" is selected. Staff members must be active and have a valid e-mail in their Staff profile in order to receive an e-mail.
  • "Reconcile Audits" is only available when "Restrict from Reconciling District Initiated Audits" has been disabled by the administrator. Site administrators must have room-view access to reconcile audits. The "Collect Transfer to Staff" and "Transfer to Student" actions are only available to site administrators with the ability to add/edit rooms, students, and staff.
  • On the "View Site Audits" and "District Audit Details" grids, hover the mouse over a help icon to view additional information about a topic.

View Site Audits

View Site Audits, located in the top navigation bar under "Audits," allows the site level to view all room audits created by the administrative level and the site's progress in performing the respective audits.

filters.png Basic Filters

"Basic Filters" allow the administrative level to search for specific tag information to identify tags available to reconcile (at least one filter must be selected).

Filter Description
Audit Name Unique alphanumeric assignment to a district-created audit
Created Date Displays the date the audit was created by the administrative level
Audit Due Date Displays the date by which the audit must be completed

Last Modified Date

Displays the last date any room audit within the respective site has been modified (includes changing the audit status)
Progress Displays the percentage of room audits, respective to the site, in the room audit status of "Scanned" or "Reconciled," or if the site "Closed" the site audit
Compliance Displays the compliance status of the sites related to the audit
Police Report Required Displays the requirements regarding a police report for tags in the status of "Lost" or "Stolen"

View Site Audits Grid

The "View Site Audits Grid" is located beneath Basic Filters on the "Audits" grid.

Filter Description
Show Closed Displays closed audits within the audit grid
editcolumns.png  Edit Columns

Located at the top of the "View Site Audits" grid, allows an administrator to select which columns display on the "View Site Audits" grid and in what order they display

Available fields include Audit Name, Created Date, Audit Due Date, Last Modified Date, New, In Progress, Scan Complete, Closed, Progress, Compliance, Action, Site, Inventory, Verified, Missing, Misplaced, and Police Report

email.png  E-Mail Compliance Report Located at the top of the "View Site Audits" grid, allows an administrator to e-mail a copy of the Compliance Report to the audit creator, audit approver, primary site contact, or other specified e-mail addresses
Audit Name Unique alpha/numeric designation of an administrative audit
Site Single-select drop-down menu containing a list by name of each site within Asset Management
Created Date Displays the date the audit is created by the district level
Audit Due Date Displays the date by which the audit must be completed. Audits not completed/marked as "Scan Complete" by the due date appear in red.
Last Modified Date Displays the last date any room audit within the respective site has been modified (includes changing the audit status)
New Displays the number of room audits created, respective to the site, and the filters set during the site audit creation
In Progress Displays the number of room audits, respective to the site, in the room audit status of "In Progress"
Scan Complete Displays the number of room audits, respective to the site, in the room audit status of "Scan Complete"
Closed Displays the number of room audits, respective to the site, in the room audit status of "Closed"
Progress Displays the percentage of room audits, respective to the site, in the room audit status of "Scanned" or "Reconciled," or whether the site "Closed" the site audit
Compliance Displays the compliance status of the audited sites

Actions Column

Function Description
sync.png  Sync Found Items Matches up missing tags from a current audit with misplaced tags on administrative-initiated "Approved" audits, and updates their status to "Found"
auditdetail.png  District Audit Details opens the "District Audit Details" window; lists each room audit created by the district and their respective tag audit state information
Audit Detail Report Provides, in CSV format, a list of tags and their last audit state from room audits located in the respective administrative-created site audit (Site ID, Site Name, Region, Tag, Asset Type, Parent Tag, Serial Number, Audit State, Audit Scan Date, Audit Scan By, Audit Location, Expected Location, Location Type, Grade, Audit Date, Audit By, Audit Notes, Audit Status, Action Taken, Product Number, Product Name, Model, Manufacturer, Product Type, Inventory Status, Tag Notes, Order Number, Funding Source, Department, Purchase Price, and Facility ID) *
compliance.png  Audit Compliance Report Allows users to e-mail a copy of the Audit Compliance Report (PDF format)

Reconcile Audits

Reconcile Audits, located in the top navigation bar under "Audits," allows the site administrators to change tag statuses (located within "Scan Complete" audits) based on the filtered results of the respective room audit (includes administrative-initiated audits for the site).

filters.png Basic Filters

"Basic Filters" allow the site administrator to search for specific tag information to identify tags available to reconcile (at least one filter must be selected). 

Filter Description
Audit Name Drop-down menu containing a list of available audits within Asset Management for the respective site
Tag Audit State Multi-select drop-down menu containing a list of available tag audit states within Asset Management (Found, Misplaced, Missing, and Verified)
Location Audit Status Multi-select drop-down menu containing a list of audit statuses (includes Scan Complete, In Progress, and New)
Action Taken Multi-select drop-down menu containing a list of actions (No Action Taken, Ignored, Transfer to Room, Transfer to Staff, Transfer to Student, Auctioned, Disposed, Lost, Recycled, Returned to Vendor, Sold, Stolen, Surplus, and Used for Parts)
Room Number Multi-select drop-down menu containing a list of each room at the site
Expected Location Site Multi-select drop-down menu containing a list of possible matching audit site categories (Matches Audit Site and Does Not Match Audit Site)
Expected Location Type Multi-select drop-down menu containing a list of location types (Room, Staff, and Student)
Tag Status Multi-select drop-down menu containing a list of tag statuses (Auctioned, Available, Disposed, In Repair, In Transit, In Use, Lost, Pending Transfer, Recycled, Returned to Vendor, and Sold)
Funding Source Multi-select drop-down menu of financial resources used to purchase an item
Product Type Filter for a product type within Asset Management
Asset Type Multi-select drop-down menu containing a list of tag component associations (Standalone, Parent, or Component)

filters.png Advanced Filters

Advanced Filters allow the site administrator to search for specific tag information to identify tags available to reconcile (at least one filter must be selected).

Filter Description
Tag List/Serial List Filter for a specific tag or serial number for reconciliation
Audit Date Calendar tool excluding all audited tags respective to the time frame indicated
Audit Due Date Calendar tool limiting all audited tags with due dates respective to the time frame indicated
Last Scan Date Calendar tool limiting all audited tags respective to the time frame indicated
Price Filter respective to each tag’s purchase price (may be different from the product’s suggested price)
check.png  Include Site Audits When selected, displays the most recent tag audit state per tag, regardless of whether it was a site-level audit or an administrative-created audit
check.png  Show Only Approved When selected, displays tag audit state information only within administrative-created audits approved by the site level

Reconcile Audits Grid

The "Reconcile Audits" grid displays tags and their audit details respective to the audit filters (defaults to display only administrative-created site audits).

Function Description
editcolumns.png  Edit Columns

Located at the top of the "Reconcile Audits" grid, allows an administrator to select which columns display on the Reconcile Audits grid and in what order they display

Available fields include Tag, Audit State, Actions, Asset Type, Audit Date, Audit Due Date, Audit Location, Expected Location, Funding Source, Last Scan Date, Product Name, Product Type, Serial, and Tag Status

audits.png  Reconcile Opens the "Reconcile Inventory" window and allows a user to take action in bulk on the filtered tags
Audit State Displays respective tag audit states (includes Missing, Misplaced, and Verified)
Tag Unique identifier affixed to each item (an asset tag or an Asset Management-created tag number) and used to track individual items within Asset Management
Product Name Name of the product
Tag Status Current status of the tag
Funding Source Financial resources used to purchase an item
Last Scan Date Date the tag was last issued and/or a change of status was made in Asset Management
Expected Location Current location associated with the tag
Audit Location Location the tag was found during an audit
Audit Date Displays the date the audit was conducted

Actions Column

Function Description
Select Action Line-item tool to reconcile the respective tag with the available reconciliation options
auditnotes.png  Reconcile Audit Note Appears when a note was recorded when a tag audit state of "Missing" or "Misplaced" was reconciled or if the site made a note on the respective room audit (mousing over the icon will display the specific note)

District Audit Details

The "District Audit Details" window allows the site level to view all room audits created by the administrative level and the site's progress in performing the respective site audit. This window also allows the site level to "Approve" a site audit's results (communicating to the district level the site is ready for the district to reconcile the audit's results). The "Room Types," "Staff Types," and "Grades" fields are dependent on the "Audit For" selection.

District Audit Details Summary

Function Description
Audit Name Unique alpha/numeric assignment to an administrative created audit
Audit For Specifies what is included in the audit; can include individual selections or combination of rooms, staff, and/or students
Created Date Displays the date the audit was created
Last Modified Date Displays the last date any room audit within the site audit was modified
Audit Due Date Displays the date by which the audit must be completed
Product Types Displays the product types included in the audit
Room Types Displays the room types included in the audit
Staff Types Displays the staff types included in the audit
Grades Displays the grade level assigned to staff members/students
Ignore Tags Modified Date Displays the cutoff date for modified tags to be included in the audit
New Displays the number of room audits created, respective to the site, in the audit status of "New"
In Progress Displays the number of room audits, respective to the site, in the room audit status of "In Progress"
Scan Complete Displays the number of room audits, respective to the site, in the room audit status of "Scan Complete"

District Audit Grid

Function Description
approve.png  Approve Audit Marks all room audits within the site audit as "Approved" (also moves all room audits to "Finalized") and no longer allows room audits to be denied or edited
Approve Audit OR Complete Scan (Move to Reconcile) Marks all room audits within the site audit as "Approved" (also moves all room audits to "Scan Complete") and no longer allows audits to be denied or edited
reopen.png  Reopen Audit Changes all "Scan Complete" room audits within the site audit back to the status of "In Progress" for continued editing
edit.png  Edit Located on each audit's row; the process by which a site may edit/add tags to the respective audit
Location Displays whether the line item is a room, staff, or a student (up to 13 alpha/numeric characters)
Status State of the audit (New, In Progress, Scan Complete, and Closed)
Modified Date Displays the last date the room audit was modified
Inventory Displays the inventory quantity of the tags located in the room
Verified Displays the inventory quantity of the tags that were verified in the room
Missing Displays the inventory quantity of the tags that were not verified as located in the room
Found Displays the inventory quantity of the tags that were expected to be located in this room but were located in another room
Misplaced Displays the inventory quantity of the tags that were located in this room yet expected to be located in another room
auditdetail.png  Audit Details Action – allows the site level to add notes to each "Missing" and/or "Misplaced" tag while displaying the Room Audit Details (Audit Status, Last Modified Date, Last Modified By, Created Date, Created By, Scan Complete Date, Scan Complete By, Audit Inventory, Initiated By, Approved By, Approved Date, Verified, Found, Missing, Misplaced, Detailed Product Information, Tag Number, and Tag Details)
Room Audit Summary Report For Rooms, includes Room Number, Room Name, Room Type, Site Name, Date Printed, Status, Created By, Created Date, Last Modified By, Last Modified Date, Initiated By, Approved By, Approved Date, Scan Completed By, Scan Completed On, Audit Inventory (Verified/Found/Missing/Misplaced), State, Product, Tag, Asset Type, Expected Location, Audit Location, and Action Taken
Staff Audit Summary Report For Staff, includes Staff ID, Staff Name, Staff Type, Site Name, Date Printed, Status, Created By, Created Date, Last Modified By, Last Modified Date, Initiated By, Approved By, Approved Date, Scan Complete By, Scan Completed On, Audit Inventory (Verified/Found/Missing/Misplaced), State, Product, Tag, Asset Type, Expected Location, Audit Location, and Action Taken
Student Audit Summary Report For Students, includes Student ID, Student Name, Site Name, Date Printed, Status, Created By, Created Date, Last Modified By, Last Modified Date, Initiated By, Approved By, Approved Date, Scan Completed By, Scan Completed On, Audit Inventory (Verified/Found/Missing/Misplaced), State, Product, Tag, Asset Type, Expected Location, Audit Location, and Action Taken

Audit Reports

The Audits page provides one report to be view/printed that compiles information from multiple sites for viewing in one report.

The "Audit Listing Report" provides, in CSV format, a list of all the district-initiated audits across all sites based on the filters applied to the "View Site Audits" grid. The report includes Audit Name, Site, Created Date, Last Modified Date, New, In Progress, Finalized, Closed, and Progress.

Under "Please Select Audit Report"

Function Description
Full Compliance Report Provides, in PDF format, an outline for each approved/closed audit on the View Site Audits grid. The report includes Audit Name, Inventory, Verified, Missing, Misplaced, Created Date, Approved Date, and Completed Date.
Audit Listing Provides, in CSV format, a list of all the administrative-initiated audits across all sites based on the filters applied to the "View Site Audits" grid. This report includes Audit Name, Site, Created Date, Last Modified Date, Audit Due Date, New, In Progress, Scan Complete, Closed, and Progress.

Under "District Audit Details

Function Description
District Audit Listing Report Provides, in CSV format, a breakdown of the results of an entire district-initiated audit based on the filters applied to the "District Audit Details" grid. This report includes Location, Status Modified Date, Inventory, Verified, Found, Missing, Misplaced, Audit Due Date, Approved By, Approved Date, Scan Completed By, Scan Completed Date, Total Inventory, Total Verified, Total Found, Total Missing, and Total Misplaced.

Under "Reconcile Audits"

Function Description
Audit Details Report Provides, in CSV format, a filtered list of tags and their last audit state from room audits. This report includes Site ID, Site Name, Tag, Asset Type, Parent Tag, Serial Number, Audit State, Audit Scan Date, Audit Scan By, Audit Location, Expected Location, Location Type, Grade, Audit Date, Audit Due Date, Audit By, Audit Status, Action Taken, Product Number, Product Name, Model, Manufacturer, Product Type, Tag Status, Tag Notes, Order Number, Funding Source, Department, Purchase Price, and Facility ID.
Closed Audit Details Report Provides, in CSV format, a filtered list of tags and their last audit state from closed room audits. This report includes Site ID, Site Name, Tag, Asset Type, Parent Tag, Serial Number, Audit State, Audit Scan Date, Audit Scan By, Audit Location, Expected Location, Location Type, Grade, Audit Date, Audit Due Date, Audit By, Audit Status, Action Taken, Product Number, Product Name, Model, Manufacturer, Product Type, Tag Status, Tag Notes, Order Number, Funding Source, Department, Purchase Price, and Facility ID.