Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Creating an Accessory for Products In the Catalog

Accessories are optional items that may be issued along with the product when it is issued to a student or staff member. An example of an accessory for a laptop might be a power adaptor or a laptop messenger bag. Asset Management will automatically issue the accessory with the associated product and can be configured to automatically assess a charge to the student or staff member's account if the accessory is not returned during the collection process.

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  • Consumable – No or yes designation made at the administrative level to establish what is not expected to be returned when the tag/item is collected.
  • Missing Charge – Enabling this setting will automatically assess a missing accessory charge to the student or staff when not returned during collection. The charge amount will be set to the price of the accessory.

Add and Assign a New Accessory


Check out our related video -  Creating an Accessory for Products in the Catalog (2:09) - as you review this topic.

  1. Click on catalog.png Catalog, located in the top navigation bar.
  2. Filter for and click on the product to add an accessory. The product row turns yellow.
  3. Click on the Accessories tab.
  4. Click on accessory.png Assign Accessories. The Manage Accessories window opens.
  5. Click on add.png Add Record.
  6. Enter the Name of the accessory and the quantity of Units per issued product. These are required fields.
  7. Enter Description, Price, whether this accessory is Consumable, and/or Missing Charge.
  8. Click on accessory2.png Add and Assign. This simultaneously adds the new accessory to the accessory list and assigns it to the selected product.
  9. Click on x.png Close to close the Manage Accessories window.

Assign an Existing Accessory

  1. Click on catalog.png Catalog, located in the top navigation bar.
  2. Filter for and click on the product to add an accessory. The product row turns yellow.
  3. Click on the Accessories tab.
  4. Click on accessory.png Assign Accessories. The Manage Accessories window opens.
  5. Click on add.png Add Record.
  6. Filter for the respective accessory.
  7. Verify the Units quantity (this reflects the quantity accessories issued per product). Edit the Units field, if necessary.
  8. Click on accessory.png Assign.
  9. Click on x.png Close to close the Manage Accessories window.