Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Receive Assets Using the PO Inventory Import

AM allows newly acquired items to be assigned to your sites through the Purchasing page. A district can receive assets to one or more purchase orders via the "Purchase Order Import" process.

  1.  Navigation:
  2. Admin View
  3. Purchasing

Prepare a Data Template for your Purchase Order Import

You will need a separate template (or worksheet within a workbook) for each location type in which assets are to be placed.

  Field Considerations
  Products defined in the catalog as “serial required” will require a value in the "Serial #" field.
  Custom fields defined as “Required” in AM will be required to have data in the template.
  Look up the product number in your catalog and add it to your import file.
  Required fields should have a cell format of "General."
  The "Invoice Date" field is an optional field and should have a cell format of "date."
  Custom fields should have a cell format that matches that field’s format in Asset Management.
The following items are required within Asset Management prior to import:
  • Purchase order(s) have been recorded in the purchasing grid by adding the required fields (PO#, Vendor, and PO Date), at minimum
  • Product(s) are defined in the Catalog
  • Funding source(s) exist in the "Funding Sources" table

Use the Purchase Order Inventory Import Tool

The "Purchase Order Inventory Import" is helpful when assets are added to your database after they are set up or installed, or you have a very large order of assets that come pre-tagged by the vendor.

  1. Click on receive.png Purchasing, located in the top navigation bar.
  2. Verify that the purchase order(s) to which you are importing assets have been defined.
  3. Click on import.png Import Inventory.
  4. Review the "Import Details" box to verify the desired file contains data for each of the required fields and/or optional fields.
  5. Click Browse to select the desired file to import.
  6. If the desired file does not contain a header row, uncheck the box labeled My Table Has Headers.
  7. Click on Import to refresh the window with the file's data.
  8. Select the Location Type to which you are importing: room, student, or staff. You must have a separate file or worksheet for each type and can only import to one location type at a time for each site.
  9. For workbooks with multiple worksheets, you will also be prompted to select the active worksheet.
  10. In the Import Review section, identify the product name and/or product number from their respective column drop down menus.
  11. Click on Detect Custom Fields. Custom fields will display in the "Required Fields" line and "Optional Fields" line of the "Import Details" section. If a custom field is required, it must be identified.
  12. In the "Import Preview" area, verify that each column in your spreadsheet is mapped to the corresponding field in Asset Management. Be sure to select Do Not Import for any empty column or data that is not related to the import.
  13. Click on Validate to review the file for possible issues.
  14. Once the validation is successful, click on Finish.

Video Resources

Check out our related videos as you review this topic: