Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Receive Items for a Site in Admin View

After creating an Asset Management purchase order, receiving the item(s) from a vendor, and shipping those item(s) to a site, Asset Management allows the administrative level to receive those shipped items on behalf of the site. 

  1.  Navigation:
  2. Admin View
  3. Purchasing

Receive Items for a Site via Scanning Tags

This process allows the administrative level user to receive items to a room located on the respective site, assign the status of the item (available or in use), assign the tag to the item, and record any required custom field data.


  1. Click on receive.png Purchasing, located in the top navigation bar.
  2. Filter the "Purchasing" grid to locate the respective purchase order.
  3. Click on the respective purchase order row. The grid expands.
  4. In the Products tab, enter/scan the product number for the respective product to receive.
  5. Click on ship.png Ship to Site. The "Shipping Management" window opens.
  6. Click on scan.png Scan Tags on the respective "In Transit" shipment row. The "Receive By Tag" window opens.
  7. Select the room for the product from the Room drop-down menu.
  8. Select the status of the product from the Status drop-down menu.
    • Available: Assigns this item to this room for the purpose of later issuing it to an individual or another room
    • In Use: Assigns this item to this room and designates it is not available to issue to another room, staff, or student
  9. Enter/scan the item's tag into the Tag field.
  10. If applicable, continue to scan all tags until the entire quantity of this product has been received (the "Room and Status" field will default to the last user-selected settings).
  11. Once all items have been received, a success message displays to communicate receiving for this product is complete. Click cancel.png Done to close the "Receive By Tag" window.
  12. If applicable, continue to receive items for all respective "In Transit" shipments respective to this purchase order following steps 6 through 11.
  13. Click x.png Done to close the "Shipping Management" window.



When applicable, purchasing tickets reprintpick.png display additional information after a tag is received into a room within a site. This includes who received the tag to the room, when the tag was received, the room the tag was received into, the tag number assigned to the asset, and the respective serial number of the asset.

Receive Items for a Site via Importing Tags

Prepare "Receive By Tag Import" data template

The “Receive By Tag” import allows the user to receive items to a room/student/staff located on the respective site by importing an XLSX or CSV file into Asset Management. If the product type has associated Custom Fields, the custom field data may also be included in the import. You are required to include any custom field that is configured as “required” in the application.

Template Requirements:

You will need a separate template (or worksheet in a workbook) for each location type in which assets are to be placed.

  • To import to a location of Room, the file must contain the minimum: Tag#, Serial# (if required for product type), Room#, and Status.
  • To import to a location of Student, the file must contain the minimum: Tag#, Serial# (if required for product type), and Student ID.
  • To import to a location of Staff, the file must contain the minimum: Tag#, Serial# (if required for product type), and Staff ID.
  • Required fields mentioned above should have a cell format of “general”
  • Custom Fields should have a cell format that matches that field’s data type in the application

See the video below to help create your data template.

Receive Items for a Site via "Receive by Tag" Import Tool

The process of receiving assets using the "Receive by Tag" import allows administrative-level users to receive items to a room, student, or staff member by importing an XLSX or CSV file into Asset Management.

The file must contain the exact number of tags shipped to the site and data for required fields (respective to the product and product type) as this process also requires the item assignment status (available or in use), assignment of the tag to the item, and assignment of any required custom field data.


  1. Click on receive.png Purchasing, located in the top navigation bar.
  2. Filter the "Purchasing" grid to locate the respective purchase order.
  3. Click on the respective purchase order row. The grid expands.
  4. In the Products tab, enter/scan the respective product to receive.
  5. Click on ship.png Ship to Site. The "Shipping Management" window opens.
  6. Click on import.png Import Tags in the respective "In Transit" shipment row. The "Receive By Tag Import Manager" window opens.
  7. Review the "Import Details" box to verify the respective file contains data for each of the required fields and/or optional fields.
  8. Browse and select the respective file by clicking on Browse (located in the "Upload File" box).
  9. If the respective file does not contain a header row, deselect the checkfill.png My Table Has Headers box.
  10. Click on Import. The window refreshes with the file's data.
  11. From the "Settings" box, click the down arrow and select the type of location to which the tags will be imported: Room, Staff, Student.
  12. If no headers exist on the spreadsheet, assign the type of data located in each column to the respective product's required and/or optional fields, using the drop-down menus located in the blue grid header.
  13. Click on Validate. This reviews the file for possible issues and reports those findings in the "Validation" box.
  14. When the validation message displays "Validation Successful!" click on Finish. The "Confirm Import" window appears.
  15. The message "You are about to finish your import. This action cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to finish your import?" displays. Click OK. The import brings in the tags, closes the "Receive by Tag Import Manager" window, returns you to the "Shipping Management" window, and updates the respective site's "Received Tags" count and status.
  16. Click x.png Done to close the "Shipping Management" window.

Import Process Videos

Video Resources

Check out our related videos as you review this topic: