Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Adding and Editing a Vendor

A vendor is an individual or a company who provides/supplies products to your district (similar to a supplier). This process requires administrative level or site administrator level credentials.

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Adding a Vendor

  1. Click on Vendors under "Management Quick Links." The "Manage Vendors" window opens.
  2. Click on add.png Add Record.
  3. Enter the name of the vendor in the Vendor Name field.
  4. Enter the account number of the vendor in the Account Number field.
  5. Click on save.png Add.
  6. Click on x.png Close to close the "Manage Manufacturers" window.

Editing a Vendor

  1. Click on Vendors under "Management Quick Links." The "Manage Vendors" window opens.
  2. Locate the Vendor.

If the vendor is not visible on the grid, search for the vendor using the search window located below the blue grid header under "Manufacturer." Search by Vendor Name or Account Number.


  1. Click on edit.png Edit next to the vendor’s name. The grid expands.
  2. Update the information in the necessary fields: Vendor Name and Account Number.
  3. Click on save.png Update.
  4. Click on x.png Close to close the "Manage Manufacturers" window.