The Purchasing grid allows an administrative district-level user to create purchase orders, receive items, ship items to sites, and quickly assign items to sites while simultaneously recording essential purchasing data (purchase order number, purchase date, vendor, funding source, and quantity).
The Attachments tab allows the user to attach files of up to 1MB to a purchase order. This could be an invoice, packing slip, or copy of the initial purchase request. A purchase order may contain multiple products. Items can be assigned and/or shipped to multiple sites.
A user with Site View privileges will only see Purchase Order detail from POs that resulted in asset that are located at their assigned site(s).
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Purchasing Functionality
The following functionality is available throughout Purchasing:
Function | Definition |
Add Record | Record a purchase order in Asset Management |
Import Inventory | Import inventory directly to a purchase order |
Search Fields | Allows a district administrator to search for purchase orders using the order ID, purchase date, vendor, status, estimated delivery date, or notes fields. Located at the top of the Purchasing grid. |
Edit | The process by which an administrator may add/edit the order details. Located on each purchase order's row. |
Purchase Order Tabs
The following tabs provide details about a purchase order.
The Details tab displays each purchase order's information as entered by the creator of the purchase order (site administrator or administrative level).
Function | Definition |
Purchase Order ID | An alpha-numeric purchase order number |
Vendor | Name of an individual or a company who provides/supplies products to your district (similar to a supplier) |
Funding Request # | Number assigned to the funding request covering the purchase of the product; necessary for the E-Rate report. |
Stated Funding | The percent of funding on this purchase coming from state level funds. |
Federal Funding | The percent of funding on this purchase coming from federal level funds. |
Purchase Date | The date the purchase is submitted to a vendor and it is also used to calculate the item's expiration date (may be the date the item's warranty goes into effect). |
Estimated Delivery Date | The date the items on the purchase order are expected to be received from the vendor. |
Status | The current status of this purchase order. |
Notes | Displays notes entered by the creator of the purchase order and/or a district level user. |
The Products tab displays each purchase order's product information as assigned by the creator of the purchase order and/or a district level user.
Function | Definition |
Edit | Edit the contents of the grid row. |
Product Number | Asset Management assigned product number. |
Product Name | Name of the product. |
Funding Source | The percent of funding on this purchase coming from state level funds. |
Account Code | Source of financial resources used to purchase an item. |
Ordered | Quantity of the product ordered from the vendor. |
Received | Quantity of the product received by the district from the vendor. |
Shipping | Quantity of the product the district has shipped to respective sites. |
Tags Received | Quantity of the product tagged and issued to a room on the respective sites. |
Status | State of the product within the purchase order ('Open' products have items left to be tagged, 'Closed' products have all been tagged). |
Actions |
Functions allowing the district level administrator to affect each product's processing within the respective purchase order.
Specific Product Information | Displays the product's Details tab. |
Purchase Price | Amount entered by the district level administrator when adding the product to the respective purchase order (may be different than the product's suggested price). |
Ordered Quantity | Quantity of the product ordered from the vendor. |
Received Quantity | Quantity of the product received by the district from the vendor. |
Shipping Quantity | Quantity of the product the district has shipped to respective sites. |
Available Quantity | Quantity of the product received by the district from the vendor and not yet shipped to a site. |
Shipped to Site | A list of site names which have been shipped the respective product for this purchase order. |
Invoice Number | Number designated by the vendor for billing. |
Invoice Date | Date vendor creates the invoice. |
Shipping | Quantity of the product the district has shipped to respective sites. |
Received Tags | Quantity of the product tagged and issued to a room on the respective sites. |
The Attachments tab displays any attachment details saved to the purchase order. It includes the type of file, file name, file size, and notes. The date the attachment was saved and the name of the person saving the file is displayed. The attachment can be deleted using the delete icon.
Function | Definition |
Add Attachment | Allows an attachment to be added to the purchase order. |
Browse | Allows the user to search for the desired file to attach to the purchase order. |
Notes | Information pertaining to the file to be attached is inserted here. |
Save | Saves the attachment to the purchase order. |
Cancel | Cancels the attachment of the file selected. |
The Purchasing grid provides the following report options. Reports are accessed via the dropdown in the upper right corner of the grid. This grid is also available at the Site View and will be automatically filtered to show only those purchase orders that are located at the corresponding site. To report on a subset of data, filter the Purchasing Grid prior to running the report.
Report Option | Report Description |
Purchase Order Listing | Provides in .CSV format a list of all the Purchase Orders displayed on the Purchase Grid. The report includes Order Number, Purchase Date, Vendor, FRN, State Funding %, Federal Funding %, Status, Estimated Delivery Date, and Notes. |
Product Line Listing Report |
Provides in .CSV format, Product Line detail for all Purchase Orders displayed on the Purchase Grid. The report includes Order Number, Purchase Date, Vendor, Vendor Account Number, FRN, State Funding %, Federal Funding %, Purchase Order Status, Estimated Delivery Date, Notes, Product Number, Product Name, Funding Source, Account Code, Purchase Price, Shipped to SiteID, Shipped to Site Name, Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Shipping Quantity, Received Tags, Line Status, and Line Number. Exported in CSV format. Filters include: “Show only outstanding tags to receive”, “Tagging Overdue by” and “Purchase Date Range” |