Frontline Inventory & Help Desk Management

Rooms Grid Overview

The Rooms screen displays the physical location within a site to which an item is assigned. The Rooms grid allows you to search for active rooms (default) and inactive rooms (if "Show Inactive" is selected).


Check out our related video -  Rooms Overview (6:46) - as you review this topic.

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  2. Site View
  3. Rooms

There are multiple functions that allow a site to perform tasks pertaining to the creation of rooms, the altering of existing room details, and the reporting of inventory within each room.

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Rooms Functionality


Rooms allow a site to perform multiple tasks pertaining to the creation of rooms and the inventory within each room.

AddRecord.gif Add Record Adds a room to this site.
Show Inactive When checked, allows a site to search for and view any room marked as "inactive."
Search Fields Located at the top of the Rooms grid, allows a site to search for a specific room using the Room Number, Description, Room Type, and/or Other search fields.
Edit.gif Edit Located on each room's row, this is the process by which a site may edit the respective room's details.
Actions Allows the site user to affect the room's inventory in the following ways:
  • Initialize.gif Initialize: Located on each room's row, this is the process by which a site adds an item to the database and assigns it to a room. (This is used when the item is pre-existing; do not use this for new items.)
  • Detail_Info.gif Room History: Displays the inventory history of the respective room, including: Product Number, Product Name, Tag, Status, and Scan Date.
  • Report.gif Room Inventory Report: Located on each room's row, this contains the inventory assigned to the respective room. This report is in PDF format and focuses on providing the details of Products in the room, the Qty, and Tag# for those products. Fields include: Product Number w/Barcode, Product Name, and other Product Details, as well as the Tag Numbers and any accessories assigned to the Product.

Room Details


The "Details" tab displays each room's detailed information as entered by the site.

Room Number An alpha and/or numeric room number which corresponds with the site's floor plan (up to 13 alpha/numeric characters).
Description The name of the room (e.g., Principal's Office, Library, Chemistry Lab, etc.).
Room Type General categories designated by an Administrative user which are used to label different types of rooms within a site (e.g., Classroom, Computer Lab, Storage, etc.).
Other An optional field which the site can use to track miscellaneous information regarding this room.
Notes Displays any site created notes that may be helpful for the site.

Room Inventory


The "Inventory" tab displays each room's inventory counts for the site by product.

Product Number An alpha and/or numeric room number which corresponds to the site's floor plan (up to 13 alpha/numeric characters). 
Product Name The name of the room (e.g., Principal's Office, Library, Chemistry Lab, etc.). 
Total Inventory General categories designated by an Administrative user which are used to label different types of rooms within a site (e.g., Classroom, Computer Lab, Storage, etc.). 
In Use An optional field which the site can use to track miscellaneous information regarding this room. 
Available Displays any site-created notes that may be helpful for the site. 
Room to Room Transfer

Expanding the Product line item provides:

  • Asset Tag List: A list of the individual assets that match this product.
  • Room-to-Room Transfer: A link to allow the transfer of a tag from one room to another.

Room Staff

The "Staff" tab displays the staff assigned to the room, for homeroom association.


This assignment is tied directly to Staff-Run Audits, Inventory Reports, and the integration with the Help Desk Management System.
Staff ID Search Field Located at the top of the "Staff" tab, allows a site to search for a specific staff member for homeroom association.
users_back_16.png Reassign All Staff Allows a user to search or enter in a room number to reassign all associated staff members to another room.
Show Inactive When checked, allows a site to view staff members marked as inactive for the room.
Staff ID An alpha and/or numeric identification number.
First First name of staff member.
Middle Middle name of staff member.
Last Last name of staff member.
Grade Grade level to which the staff member is associated.
Staff Type General categories used to label different types of staff members within a site (e.g., Teacher, Technical Staff, Administrative Personnel, etc.).
Actions Functions allowing the site user to affect the staff’s room association.
  • Delete_16.gif Remove Staff: Removes the association of the staff member to the room.
  • user1_back_16.png Reassign Staff: Allows a user to search or enter in a room number to reassign the staff member to another room.

Rooms Reports

The "Rooms" grid provides multiple reports to be viewed/printed.


In the Rooms Report dropdown menu, results are returned for ALL ROOMS unless the Rooms Grid has been filtered for a subset of records.
Report Dropdown Menu  
Barcode IDs Provides, in PDF format, a listing of the rooms on a site and their respective barcodes.
Room Inventory Report Provides, in PDF format, a listing of the Products in a room, including the Qty and Tag# for those products. Fields include: Product Number w/Barcode, Product Name, and other Product Details, as well as the Tag Numbers and any accessories assigned to the Product.
Room Inventory Worksheet Provides, in PDF format, a listing of the items within each room and their respective details including Tag, Product Name, Model, Product Type, Serial, Price, and any information in the "Other" field.
Room Audit Detail Report Provides, in CSV format, a listing of the tags and their last audit state from room audits (based on the filters applied to the Rooms grid and by the report filters).
Room Listing Provides, in CSV format, a listing of the rooms on a site, including a room's Room Number, Room Description, Room Type, and any information stored in the "Other" field.
Room Components Listing Provides, in CSV format, a listing of all parent and component tags for each room located on the site or for the rooms for which the rooms grid has been filtered.
Individual Record Reports  
Report.gif Room Inventory Rpt Located on each room's row, this contains the inventory assigned to the respective room. This report is in PDF format and focuses on providing the details of Products in the room, the Qty, and Tag# for those products. Fields include: Product Number w/Barcode, Product Name, and other Product Details, as well as the Tag Numbers and any accessories assigned to the Product.
Report.gif Room Audit Summary Rpt Located on the "Audits" tab under each room’s record, each audit's row contains the respective room audit's details for THIS audit. Fields include: Room Name, Room Number, Room Type, Site Name, Date Printed, Audit Status, Last Modified Date, Last Modified By, Created Date, Created By, Finalized Date, Finalized By, Audit Inventory counts, Tag Number, Expected Location. Audit Location, and Action Taken.

Room Audits


The "Audits" tab displays each audit created for the respective room.

AddRecord.gif Add Record Add an audit to this room.
Edit.gif Edit Located on each audit's row, this is the process by which a site may edit/add tags to the respective audit. (Closed Audits cannot be edited.)
Created Date Displays the date the audit was created.
Initiated By Shows if the audit was initiated by the Site or District.
Status State of the audit (i.e., New, In Progress, Finalized, and Closed).
Modified Date Displays the last date the audit was modified.
Inventory Displays the inventory count of the tags located in the room.
Verified Displays the inventory count of the tags which were verified in the room.
Found Displays the inventory count of the tags that were expected to be in this room but were in another room.
Missing Displays the inventory count of the tags which were not verified to be in the room.
Misplaced Displays the inventory count of the tags which were in this room yet expected to be in another room.
Actions Functions allowing the site user to affect the room's audit.
  • Detail_Info.gif Audit Details: Allows functionality for Finalized audits to act on Missing and/or Misplaced tags while displaying the room audit's details, including: Audit Status, Last Modified Date, Last Modified By, Created Date, Created By, Finalized Date, Finalized By, Audit Inventory counts, detailed product information, Tag Number, and Tag details. (Site Administrators can ONLY take action on Finalized site-created audits.)
  • Report.gif Room Audit Summary Report: Located on each audit's row, this contains the respective room audit's details for THIS audit, including: Room Name, Room Number, Room Type, Site Name, Date Printed, Audit Status, Last Modified Date, Last Modified By, Created Date, Created By, Finalized Date, Finalized By, Audit Inventory counts, Tag Number, Expected Location, Audit Location, and Action Taken.
  • Delete_16.gif Delete: Allows the respective audit to be deleted (audits in the status of Closed are exempt from this function).