This article describes the process to create and edit containers in a warehouse. This article is intended for warehouse managers and district level administrative users.
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Adding a Container
- Click Containers, located on the top navigation bar.
- Click Add Record.
- Enter the container’s details. Fields in red are required.
- Click Save.
Editing a Container
- Click Containers, located on the top navigation bar.
- Use the grid filters to search for the container.
- Click Edit.
- Edit the container’s details. Fields in red are required.
- Click Save.
Container Types
Containers are standardized by established Container Types, describing the kinds of containers at the warehouse. Examples of Container Types are Pallets, Plastic Bins, Wire Mesh Boxes, etc.
To add a Container Type:
- Click Containers, located on the top navigation bar.
- Click Container Types under Management Quick Links.
- Click Add Record.
- Enter the name of the Container Type.
- Click Save.
- Click to close the Manage Container Types window.
Inactivating a Container
- Click Containers, located on the top navigation bar.
- Use the grid filters to search for the container.
- Click Edit.
- Deselect the Active check box.
- Click Save.
Moving a Container to Another Room
When a Container is moved to another room, all items within the Container are moved as well.
- Click Containers, located on the top navigation bar.
- Use the grid filters to search for the container.
- Click Edit.
- Edit the Search, next to the Room Number field. The Room Search window opens.
- Search for the respective room and click on Select, located on the respective room's row.
- Click Save.
Considerations When Adding Containers to a Warehouse
Containers are placed in rooms in the warehouse. Untagged assets are initialized (added) to containers, and then transferred or removed as needed. The warehouse manager can create temporary containers to transfer untagged assets to a site, or the site can request the asset be transferred, and the warehouse manager may approve the transfer.
Products that are placed in a container must first be defined in the “Catalog” at an administrative level. Multiple products can be initialized to the same container. For example, you might have headphones from multiple manufacturers in the same container.
"Tagged" or "Untagged" assets whose status is “Surplus” are searchable by site users who can submit a request for the assets, just like a store front.
Example 1
Container #: [Automatically assigned by the system]
Container Description: Student Headphones
Container Type: Open Plastic Bin
Status: Surplus
Location: Room: A-01-A1
Example 2
Container #: [Automatically assigned by the system]
Container Description: Pallet 01
Container Type: Pallet – 4x4
Status: Available
Location: Room: Receiving